


Arvados 3.0


Development 2024-07-03 sprint

Due in 0 days (07/03/2024)

# Tracker Subject Story Points
17074 Feature Use count=none & keyset paging
21901 Bug Reduce redundant file_download logging when client uses multi-threaded/reassembly approach
21907 Bug Uncached permission lookup in keep-web when handling s3 request
21910 Feature Remove api_clients APIs and api_client_id field
21701 Feature replace_files requests can refer to "current version" and "provided manifest_text" as sources
20640 Feature API for admin to query materialized permissions
21891 Bug Very slow copying from collection into output in crunch-run copy phase
21933 Bug Upgrade dependencies with security reports in GitHub

Development 2024-07-24 sprint

Due in 21 days (07/24/2024)

# Tracker Subject Story Points
21905 Idea Transition away from RVM
21893 Bug list of input collections on process panel should use virtualized list
21580 Bug Public Favorites renders inconsistently
13327 Feature More responsive page loads with API ?include=container_uuid
21444 Feature Process and collection details moved to right side panel only
21297 Feature use container_status API to display scheduling feedback on cloud
21935 Idea Identify the public API of the Python SDK and make a plan to hide non-public stuff in an internal module
21943 Bug arvados-cwl-runner crashes when output includes directory listings

Development 2024-08-07 sprint

Due in 35 days (08/07/2024)

# Tracker Subject Story Points
21879 Bug Cannot change page size on Workbench's "All Processes" page (when cluster is busy?)
21842 Feature Improve Sharing with groups and users
21909 Feature Refresh Java and R SDKs based on 3.0 API changes
21702 Feature keep-web uses replace_files API to add/replace/rename/remove files atomically
21773 Feature keep-web and keepproxy should use Services.Keepstore.InternalURLs configs directly instead of requesting /arvados/v1/keep_services/accessible
21904 Bug Remove feature that rejects POST arvados/v1/logs immediately when any requests are queued
21570 Bug Remove CentOS install instructions/support claims from our documentation


Due in over 13 years (01/01/2038)

This is where tickets go that have been triaged but not prioritized to work on yet

# Tracker Subject Story Points
21220 Feature Workbench 2 supports Google Analytics
19463 Idea Redesign process info panel 5.0

Release Backlog

# Tracker Subject Story Points
15880 Idea Remove hosted git service
15767 Bug "Load more" button on search results page always shows

Closed Sprints

Development 2023-09-27 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
20862 Bug Deal with our google api client fork in the arvados ruby sdk

Development 2023-10-25 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
20300 Idea RailsAPI upgrade from 5.2 to 7.0 5.0
20969 Bug Installer doesn't seem to restart nginx when a new bring-your-own cert is deployed 2.0

Development 2023-11-08 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21141 Support Update arvbox to use Debian 12
21118 Bug Cannot build new jenkins wb2 image to run a successful test pipeline
20953 Feature Monitoring for TLS certificate expiration 2.0

Development 2023-11-29 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21201 Bug Documentation build fails on Debian 12 after Ruby 3 migration 0.5
21031 Bug Most test-provision (and other) jobs failing

Development 2024-01-03 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21276 Bug lib/controller/handler_test.go TestDiscoveryDocCache is racey
21305 Bug Delist outdated documentation pages from search engines
21254 Bug keep-balance TestRunForever is racey
21146 Idea Replace ws4py dependency from PySDK
18862 Support remove replay_job_log rake task
20690 Idea Remove workbench 1 from main branch !!!!

Development 2024-01-17 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
20846 Idea Support Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 2.0
21367 Bug won't build
21258 Bug lib/dispatchcloud TestDispatchToStubDriver is racey
21273 Bug Package builds on Py3.6 distros fail - cannot install setuptools>=60 but we're requesting >=66
18874 Support Merge workbench2 history into main Arvados repo 3.0

Development 2024-01-31 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21230 Idea Remove usage of global "pip install" in package build/test scripts 1.0
20318 Feature Go SDK supports local filesystem-backed data cache

Development 2024-02-14 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21361 Idea Remove build infrastructure for unsupported distros 1.0

Development 2024-02-28 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21321 Bug R SDK install is flaky - stringi doesn't download completely
21023 Bug Go keepclient retry does not wait between retries 2.0
21453 Idea Install Python package virtualenvs under /usr/lib/PKGNAME 0.5

Development 2024-03-13 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
15317 Feature [Keep] expose backend latency stats in the Prometheus metrics 2.0

Development 2024-03-27 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21494 Feature Get Java and R SDKs out of the critical path of main branch builds
21600 Bug Banner tests failing
21578 Feature Add debug logging option to arvados-client mount
21597 Bug "Error: Socket closed before finished writing response" for "show process details" test
21165 Feature Installer/formula/packaging updated to un-install Workbench 1
21123 Feature Add API that returns current dispatch/scheduling status for a specified container 2.0

Development 2024-04-10 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21654 Bug Upgrade several dependencies from security reports
21601 Bug fpm virtualenv packages not using branch versions for dependencies
19744 Feature Run crunchstat automatically from workflow runner

Development 2024-04-24 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21606 Feature configurable keep-web output buffer to reduce delay between blocks
21524 Bug test-provision-ubuntu2004 intermittently times out waiting for the controller to come up
21583 Bug Running RailsAPI with Passenger implicity requires Ruby 3.3 via base64 0.2.0 lock
21691 Feature Upgrade workbench2 dependencies for security vulnerabilities
21644 Bug keep-web TestMetrics test fails intermittently
21659 Feature Github integration test check workflow 21659-gh-workflow-tests
21657 Bug `arvados-client diagnostics` fails trying to introspect OCIv2 Docker image

Development 2024-05-08 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
12430 Feature Crunch2 limit output collection to glob patterns
21722 Feature Remove node-sass-chokidar
21721 Bug Review Python SDK dependencies
21719 Bug Upgrade dependencies that have security reports in github
21700 Support Remove RVM support from our build process and packages
21226 Feature Fix or remove tests that use deprecated APIs

Development 2024-05-22 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
2960 Feature Keepstore can stream GET and PUT requests using keep-gateway API
21766 Bug Keep-web local disk cache size does not respect configuration

Development 2024-06-05 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
21388 Feature Update list of supported distributions everywhere 0.5
21364 Bug "Load More" button should inactivate if no more elements can be loaded
21834 Bug Restore timestamps in container stdout.txt and stderr.txt

Development 2024-06-19 sprint


# Tracker Subject Story Points
15397 Feature Declutter the API 3.0
20943 Bug Expiring Permission Groups
21815 Feature Exclude identifiers from trigram search
9964 Feature arvados-cwl-runner limits output data to keep using output_glob