



Due in over 12 years (01/01/2038) (Sprint start date 03/01/2034)

This is where tickets go that have been triaged but not prioritized to work on yet


1838 issues   (70 closed1768 open)


Arvados Contributor Wiki

This wiki has information related to the open source project.

Note: some of the information on this wiki, particularly the platform overview, is somewhat out of date. The main Arvados site and the Arvados documentation site have the most up-to-date official documentation.

Platform Overview

Using Arvados


Contributing and hacking

Key Components


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Estimated time 4.00 hours
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Related issues
# Subject Story Points
Feature #22613 Update install scripts/docs to enable external access to HTTP services in containers
Idea #21444 Process and collection details moved to right side panel only
Feature #22332 Process page details reworked to match new project page design
Idea #22580 new method for launching a test or development environment which can run tests and bring up an auto-configured, usable cluster in "development" mode
Idea #22565 General purpose arv:depends property to indicate the data/code in a collection or object depends on other collections or objects
Bug #22454 Spot instance termination not being detected?
Idea #22555 General purpose arv:source property to indicate one or more collections or objects that contributed to producing a collection
Support #22398 Fix redmine styling when window width is below 1090px
Feature #22421 add --list-workflows option to a-c-r
Idea #22548 Create better placeholders for empty details panel or close when switching side panel categories
Bug #22547 Trash panel allows open details panel but doesn't provide way to open details panel
Bug #22508 Loading workbench with expired token in local storage goes through logout process
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #22496 Long project name causes description to overlap with project toolbar
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #22495 Left panel collapse icon overflows due to long project names
Feature #22471 [keep-balance] multi-pass mode
Feature #22470 [railsapi] add replication_confirmed_partial field to collections
Feature #22469 [keepstore] support multi-pass mode
Bug #22465 arv-mount may not notice permission changes granting/removing write access
Idea #22459 Manual "empty trash" command
Idea #22458 Ability to intentionally turn a collection a "ghost" collection
Idea #22427 Accessing Arvados services over Tailscale
Idea #22426 Make Arvados services findable on local home/lab network
Feature #22417 Package "arvbash" and include it in standard shell node setup
Feature #22416 Package 'arvbash' and include it in standard shell node setup
Bug #22402 arvados-dispatch-cloud should log warnings when cloud API calls are slow
Bug #22401 crunch-run --list (with no additional args) should not read from stdin
Arvados Epics - Idea #22390 drop-in replacement for 'arv' command written in Go
Feature #17772 use subject identifier (username etc) in "identity_url" instead of "email" for login
Support #21817 Consolidate and standardize a Docker image for arvados development and testing
Feature #22279 keep-web: eliminate extra PDH lookup per request in series of PUT requests
Feature #20622 arv-keepdocker uses new "pull image" API
Feature #18621 Ability for admin to purge old versions of a collection
Feature #16888 Federate container token should be able to access resources on other clusters
Feature #21074 Migrate "workflow" table to be backed by collections but maintain API
Feature #22142 Python SDK Collection class uses replace_files API to update collections on API
Feature #19860 Support "pull image" container request 3.0
Feature #22176 Data table additional sort columns
Feature #22297 Make progress bar smaller
Bug #21434 Follow up fix to schema salad
Feature #22296 Consider moving information from hover over in progres bar to static text
Bug #22347 Text in the "Owner" column is styled like a link but doesn't offer navigation action.
Bug #22295 Green is used for options for coloring cluster name when preforming search
Bug #21746 Multiselect checkbox behaves inconsistently depending on where you click
Bug #21879 Cannot change page size on Workbench's "All Processes" page (when cluster is busy?)
Bug #22128 Make "shared with me" more useful
Feature #22138 Collection context menu should offer all the same "copy to clipboard" actions as files/directories inside it
Feature #22044 Picker should auto-expand down to the "current" project
Feature #20751 Searching or linking a container uuid should bring bring up list of container requests
Bug #22212 Improper user query federation
Feature #21887 Keep-balance records storage usage per-project
Bug #22210 Investigate missing defaults in "advanced"
Feature #22157 Record resource usage high water marks in the container record
Feature #21889 Periodic cron-like scheduler to run workflows automatically
Idea #21844 add file_properties column for per-file metadata in a collection
Feature #22014 compute_time and cumulative_compute_time container fields
Idea #22255 Optional column that shows status & links to the most recently executed workflow associated with a project or workflow definition
Feature #22020 Customize upper-right "help" menu
Feature #22021 Regular expression support for filtering file list of collections
Idea #21017 Convert cookbook container recipes into SDK methods 1.0
Feature #21881 arv-copy sets "arv:copied_from_uuid" property on copied collections and projects
Idea #20662 Python API to monitor container/requests
Idea #22161 Update to singularity 4 in compute image builder and arvados-server install
Feature #21938 Additional arvados-dispatch-cloud metrics
Bug #22156 Races can create duplicate permission links
Feature #22114 Remove test suite's dependence on keep_services table
Idea #22113 Add keyboard navigation to Workbench2
Feature #22022 Ability to give regexs to filter on errors that are reported up to the user for better readability
Idea #21997 Option to fall back from spot instance to on demand if certain conditions are met
Idea #21996 investigate if we should continue setting up encrypted partitions ourselves or can use EBS encryption
Idea #21936 Minimum viable external data access feature
Idea #21942 Poor performance when a collection consists mostly of small slices of many different large blocks
Feature #20053 schema-salad codegen returns line numbers
Feature #21761 Want a way with cloud dispatcher to have specific instances and/or instance types stay around and remain available for work
Feature #21220 Workbench 2 supports Google Analytics
Feature #21831 Hide "subprocesses" tab when there are no subprocesses.
Feature #18217 Enable file sorting in Data Collection
Feature #21294 Data table filtering on user properties & UI to add columns displaying specific properties
Feature #21884 Collection details edit panel uses rich text editor
Idea #19636 Editing inputs on "draft" tasks 4.0
Feature #21534 Set sort order of projects in left side tree
Feature #20929 Launching workflow creates a draft process for editing
Feature #21292 New workflow picker panel 5.0
Bug #21287 Binning and throttling incoming and outgoing requests
Feature #21897 Installer supports Multi Availability Zone RDS
Feature #21896 Installer supports RDS alerting
Feature #21888 Workflow feature that merges output into existing collection
Idea #21425 Salt installer should support Alma/Rocky/RHEL
Idea #21426 Create and automatically run a Jenkins job test-provision-rocky8
Idea #21880 New installer
Idea #21877 Permission links can have an expiration date
Bug #21747 On VM login form, placeholder text lingers after selecting user
Idea #21809 Collapsible view for scattered process
Feature #21760 Add "container image" as a data type filter (alongside output, logs, intermediate)
Idea #21759 shell access panel should link to the "ssh keys" panel and/or they should be merged
Feature #21279 cloudtest command should test connectivity to crunch-run gateway 2.0
Bug #21571 Documentation should call it "arv-mount" rather than "FUSE Driver"
Bug #20857 numerous errors "Cost cannot be modified in state 'Locked'"
Bug #21306 If virtual machines table is empty, don't show "shell access" option
Feature #21272 Support manipulation of collection subdirectories/streams
Feature #20880 Can link to wb2 URL to prompt user to launch workflow, specify project uuid in query 2.0
Feature #19080 When item is in trash, offer to remove it from trash
Bug #21658 `arvados-client logs` shows no logs then exits zero
Idea #21738 Text search queries are slow, especially for strings of numbers
Feature #21711 CWL File picker option to directly upload files, create and select new collection
Feature #21710 Render HTML in CWL 'label' and 'doc' fields
Idea #21709 CWL hints for ordering and grouping inputs which affects WB2 display
Idea #21708 Builtin text editor to edit small text files in collections
Idea #21699 create Docker image with Rails API server - proof of concept
Idea #21698 Research FUSE passthrough or splicing for FUSE v2
Bug #21648 Group list, group members, and permissions have multi-select check boxes but no multi-select operations
Feature #21647 Investigate changing prefetch default to 0 in Python SDK
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #21645 Add image preview to IO panel
Idea #21634 Go through WB2 and ensure that loading indicators behave consistently based on guidelines
Feature #21623 Display filters active on a data table as chips on the column header
Bug #21622 Mail delivery failure should not cause API calls to fail
Bug #21618 cloudtest should give up if test instance disappears from listing before probe succeeds
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #21615 Details Panel should show details for every type of resource
Feature #21614 User can open things in new tab with middle-click/Ctrl+click
Bug #21612 a-c-r with --debug can try to log entire input/output objects, which can be too large for the logging system
Feature #21599 _inspect/requests endpoint should reveal whether each request is queued or active
Idea #21581 Crunch saves compute node journals to collections readable only by administrators
Idea #21610 Evaluate the feasibility of exporting a prometheus-compatible API for container metrics & using a javascript client to query metrics
Feature #21609 Display how to use container shell somewhere on process page when user is allowed to do it
Idea #21595 'shared' should use usernames, not full names
Bug #21575 Project test "creates a project from the context menu in the correct subfolder" fails intermittently
Idea #21573 Publish fewer packages
Arvados Epics - Idea #21569 User notifications
Idea #21551 Python SDK methods to generate keep: URIs
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #21550 Group members status and visible empty while loading
Idea #21549 aws-cli-cwl supports uploading entire directories
Idea #21545 Compute node build script requires Packer amazon plugin but this is not documented
Idea #21544 Convenient way to copy keep: URIs
Idea #21542 Improved visibility on cloud instance (and maybe other resources?) quotas
Idea #21532 S3 download workflow supports downloading from public buckets
Bug #21530 CWL conformance tests can fail to pull arvbox image from Docker Hub
Feature #21312 Workbench 2 supports matomo analytics
Feature #19822 Write docstrings for arvados.config 0.5
Bug #21531 OutputCollectionProperties cannot reference outputs
Feature #20983 Tool to automatically populate Arvados InstanceTypes 3.0
Feature #19820 Write docstrings for arvados.cache 0.5
Bug #21407 Version field in ArvadosR package is misleading
Feature #19827 Write docstrings for arvados.keep 1.0
Feature #21038 Add ability to easily copy code segments from doc
Feature #19823 Write docstrings for arvados.crunch 0.5
Feature #19831 Write docstrings for arvados.vocabulary 0.5
Feature #19828 Write docstrings for 0.5
Feature #19819 Write docstrings for arvados.arvfile 1.0
Feature #19824 Write docstrings for arvados.errors 1.0
Feature #21523 Hide warnings from process page
Feature #19829 Write docstrings for arvados.timer 0.5
Bug #21527 lib/service Suite.TestRequestLimitsAndDumpRequests_Controller fails intermittently
Bug #21526 Package "not rebuilding, downloading instead" logic is inappropriate after changing the build process
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #21525 Process view unusable on running containers that are too verbose
Idea #21506 Improve error message when arv-mount --filters file is bad JSON
Feature #21529 Salt Installer manages API.MaxRequestSize from local.params
Bug #21499 Workbench process test "displays IO parameters with no value" fails intermittently
Idea #21493 Document stability expectations for SDKs
Feature #21505 Define __slots__ for all classes in the fusedir and fusefile modules 0.5
Bug #21492 Move/copy "Importing data into Keep" a-c-r docs to cwl-run-options.html 0.5
Feature #14922 Run multiple containers concurrently on a single cloud VM 5.0
Bug #21459 Cookbook recipe for "list project contents" is broken 0.5
Feature #20972 Bulk trash API 3.0
Feature #19974 Option to re-submit preemptible jobs to reserved nodes when previous attempt was interrupted
Bug #19365 Scoped token doc is out of date
Idea #21451 running test suite in docker
Idea #21259 Document SeparateRunner CWL extension
Idea #21446 Stop using `apt-key add` everywhere
Feature #21442 Collection metadata can specify a "primary document" which is displayed by workbench in an iframe
Idea #21424 Way to run a diagnostic container that captures all system logs, not just Crunch's
Bug #21422 Pathological arv-mount performance listing the contents of one project under a large filter group
Idea #21495 optionally assign unique usernames to groups to provide a flat, human-assigned identifier space
Idea #21414 Add UI to create filter groups
Bug #21423 arvados-login-sync activity with many users
Feature #21418 Use Content-Security-Policy header to allow inline loading of files from keep-web even with TrustAllContent: false
Idea #21410 Option(s) to add prefixes to directory names to distinguish projects, collections, tags, etc.
Idea #21405 Run full test suite on both oldest+newest supported Debian-family distros
Feature #21391 Update arvbox to Debian 12
Bug #21390 Update arvados/dev-jobs Docker image to Debian 12
Feature #9364 [keep-balance] "Expedited delete" tool: perform garbage collection on some specific (recently deleted) collections, bypassing usual GC race protections 3.0
Feature #16515 Display keep-balance block count stats in grafana dashboard
Feature #21389 Update arvados/jobs Docker image to Debian 12
Bug #21260 abort processing on timeout and/or client hangup in Rails API
Idea #21078 Performance of trashing / deleting large numbers of objects on S3
Idea #21014 Review postgres autovacuum settings
Idea #21377 Option to run command line tool in same container as the workflow runner
Idea #21376 Installer redesign and testing
Idea #21328 Package build Dockerfiles clone from workspace, not
Idea #21323 System services use cache/config directories indicated by XDG env vars / systemd directives
Bug #21322 Document is_invited field of users in the API reference
Bug #21320 "Selected element" outline when ctrl+clicking rows is pointless and distracting
Bug #21319 Avoid waiting/deadlock when a controller handler performs subrequests against the same controller
Bug #21318 Shell Access Admin 404
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #21311 HTML tag visible in User page's message
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #21310 Progress bar not counting cancelled steps
Idea #21299 API reference documentation includes Python examples
Idea #21298 PySDK returns rich objects
Bug #21271 "Run Workflow"→"Back" navigation is unexpected
Idea #21263 Delist or document deprecated PyPI packages
Idea #21257 last_log_id handling seems sus
Feature #21269 Fix unkeyed struct fields and enable "go vet" checks 0.5
Bug #21255 lib/controller/localdb TestLoginLDAPViaPAM is racey
Feature #21253 Export additional config fields to workbench
Idea #21250 Build Dockerfiles take a JOBS argument
Bug #21228 Salt installer uses the latest arvados-formula from main instead of using a versioning strategy
Idea #21215 Support JavaScript evaluation in OutOfMemoryRetry.memoryRetryMultipler
Idea #21199 Provide interface to edit workflow name+description
Bug #21198 "View details" for a workflow definition shows parent project details
Feature #21195 If a spot instance isn't available, can indicate your are willing to schedule on a reserved instance.
Bug #21194 Mass container cancellations slam the API server
Bug #21187 a-c-r should detect and warn when arv:IntermediateOutput outputTTL is too low
Feature #21175 Do not retry after "unsupported instance type" EC2 errors
Feature #21183 Document the /logout endpoint in the API reference 0.5
Feature #21168 Use SLURM REST API
Bug #21167 container checkpoint/restore
Idea #21166 add collection_status field
Bug #20985 Setting priority 0 on a queued container should change it to "cancelled" state
Feature #21143 Admins can notice and troubleshoot keep-balance GC issues
Feature #21142 Reporting total storage usage for each Volume
Bug #21134 Fix proxy error logging in controller's container log handler 0.5
Feature #21127 Keepstore uses "DeleteObjects" to delete multiple S3 objects at a time to improve throughput
Feature #21351 Support Amazon S3 inventory as alternative to list API
Bug #21120 Help output for `arv-mount --file-cache` is oversimplified
Feature #21079 When at cloud quota, retry creating instances periodically even when none have shut down
Feature #21072 Directory array picker chips needs tooltip to differentiate similarly named folder selections
Bug #21071 Directory array tree picker shows checkbox for project which does nothing
Feature #21070 Support cwltool override feature
Idea #21058 Let users know if Crunch hit cloud capacity
Feature #21057 Bulk update API
Feature #21051 a-c-r feature to automatically generate scatter worfklows
Feature #21050 feature to produce null outputs from failed steps and continue running
Bug #21049 Side pane closes when user asks to change the contents
Idea #21045 Show requested resources for draft processes
Feature #21048 Hitting enter on the "key" field of metadata entry should move focus to the "value" field
Feature #21046 Ability to specify authorization headers for tools using http_to_keep (a-c-r / arv-copy)
Bug #21044 Collection.clone doesn't handle custom API clients
Bug #21043 `arvados-client diagnostics` doesn't skip tests when wb1 endpoint is empty
Bug #21042 Config comment for DefaultTrashLifetime is confusing 0.5
Bug #21039 arvados-cwl-runner crashes when running a registered workflow with duplicate enum types
Idea #21024 PySDK includes basic workflow reporting script
Idea #21022 Guide to writing custom reports with PySDK
Idea #20993 Test ruby-google-api-client
Feature #21001 Resources panel includes maximum resources actually used & warning when they are less than 50% of resources requested
Idea #20971 Priority of 3rd level containers
Idea #20991 Let container requests specify whether they'd rather run fast or run cheap
Bug #20989 When getting name of 'owner', 50 items in a list results in 50 requests
Feature #20988 Diagnostics should test that websockets is functional
Feature #21018 Add CSS to pdoc to improve admonition rendering 0.5
Feature #19378 Can select folder to recursively upload all the files to Collection 3.0
Feature #20980 Visual design for description panel
Feature #20979 Research spot instance retry strategies
Idea #20954 Playground uses tooltips to introduce Workbench UI
Idea #21331 website notes
Bug #21190 crunch-run abandoned but process still 'Running'
Bug #21119 Workbench stops receiving websocket messages after a few minutes
Idea #20945 Using + button to save new sharing links is not obvious
Idea #20939 Create test-provision-rocky8
Idea #20938 Fix apt lock failure in test-provision-debian10
Idea #20927 When validating a remote token, translate transient network errors to a 5xx status
Idea #20925 WGS tutorial papercuts
Idea #20924 Search supports workflows
Idea #20923 Way to mark a project as favorite from the project page
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #19480 remove "choose" flow from the registered workflow run page
Bug #20921 Federated search UX papercuts
Idea #20917 Test PySDK with different versions of pycurl
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #20898 Fix narrowing issue in withDialog declaration
Bug #20827 Relicense install templates & code samples
Bug #20908 Arvados release tool helps with ticket review checklist and jenkins submission
Support #20893 Investigate using PyInstaller to build self-contained packages
Feature #20040 Getting additional cost info from AWS
Idea #20852 Convert cookbook collection recipes into SDK methods
Feature #20851 Ability to define which federated clusters are searched by default in workbench2
Idea #20837 systemd controls memory usage on Arvados services
Idea #20727 Publish standalone binaries for arvados-client, other Go client tools
Bug #20841 Migrate internal usage of 'arv' to arvados-client by symlinking 'arv' -> 'arvados-client'
Support #20838 Discontinue OS packages of client tools in favor of pypi/rubygems only
Feature #19846 Use collection properties instead of links to tag docker images 3.0
Feature #20224 Workbench 2 accepts modern SSH key types (elliptic curve/ecdsa/ed25519) 0.5
Support #20874 Ensure that we continue to use open source versions of Terraform & Packer
Support #20875 Deprecate OS packages for client tools
Bug #20804 crunchstat-summary should use container logs API, not CollectionReader and logs table
Feature #20806 CLI operations to manipulate files in collections
Feature #20805 Create empty folder and move within collection operations
Idea #20802 shellinabox not packaged for RH8-based distro
Bug #20801 Crunch discountConfiguredRAMPercent math seems surprising, undesirable
Idea #20800 When runtime_constraints.ram exactly matches instance_type.RAM, try to use that instance type
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #20764 Copy-to-Clipboard snackbar doesn't show up when copied from context menu
Feature #16316 a-c-r handles resource range requests (especially CPU) and adjusts requests based on what is in InstanceTypes list 2.0
Idea #20752 Update aws-sdk-go-v2 and support HostnameImmutable flag 2.0
Bug #20748 Compute node AMI scripts may be run too late, making docker restart after a launched container
Feature #20736 expand & collect keepstore and keepweb performance metrics
Support #20734 Remove "upgrade from docker 1.9" and "upgrading to containers api" pages from docs
Idea #20728 Remove build instructions for PySDK C dependencies, if possible 0.5
Feature #20192 Move AuditLogs.tidy_in_background from Rails to controller 1.0
Bug #19796 Properly document what should be done with dockerhub's arvados/jobs:latest image from 2 years ago 1.0
Idea #19833 Untag arvados/jobs:latest from docker hub 0.5
Support #19598 Document all of arvados-client's commands 2.0
Bug #20725 Report javascript errors as errors instead of warnings
Idea #20723 Stop running in our build+test infrastructure
Feature #20724 Silence httplib2/ssl deprecation warning 0.5
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #20694 Unable to create Git repository in Workbench 2 (Playground)
Arvados Epics - Idea #20686 Expanded metrics
Feature #20708 Control permission for individual users to run containers or use container shell feature
Idea #20692 keep-web can pack multiple small files into a single block
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #20678 Virtual Machines admin UI isn't really usable when too many users are assigned.
Feature #20641 extensions for options currently only available on command line
Feature #20659 Tool to update a-c-r version in workflow records
Feature #20285 System status panel that embeds grafana
Feature #20081 Easy copy project name to clipboard
Idea #18846 Rendering rich descriptions
Idea #20651 a-c-r lets users specify workflow by name (+version?)
Feature #20720 Every section header in the documentation should have an id for easy linking 1.0
Bug #20646 Explain that on EC2, DeployPublicKey depends on AdminUsername matching image 0.5
Feature #20632 Complex recursive copy/delete operations
Bug #20621 Redirect when user visits a page in workbench that is actually an object on another cluster
Bug #20618 Consistent use of horizontal/vertical 3-dots icon for menus
Idea #20521 Python tools emit logs from googleapiclient
Feature #20592 cwl-runner should use arv:WorkflowRunnerResources.acrContainerImage
Feature #20546 Displaying AWS RDS metrics on grafana
Feature #20542 Report metrics for expensive response fields
Feature #20532 Grouping steps by sample
Bug #20525 Delete operations should not refresh the list
Feature #20604 crunch-run retry timeout should increase for long-running containers
Idea #20519 Support path-like objects throughout the SDK
Idea #20518 Remove calls to datetime utcnow/utcfromtimestamp
Idea #20517 Impedance mismatch using `systemctl is-system-running` as default BootProbeCommand
Bug #20516 Diagnostics command should recommend using cloudtest to diagnose further if test container does not succeed 0.5
Bug #20512 Filter process list on "supervisor" flag instead "requesting_container_uuid"
Feature #20471 Admin CLI for managing dispatcher / cloud VMs
Idea #20458 Document arvados-client logs command
Idea #20237 fair scheduling in cloud dispatcher
Feature #20426 Installer sets up health check aggregator and monitoring/alerting based on health checks 3.0
Idea #20392 Workbench 2 displays container performance metrics from Prometheus statistics
Idea #20391 crunchstat puts all the stats it records in Prometheus
Idea #20390 Let users view Prometheus stats through an Arvados API endpoint with permissions check
Arvados Epics - Idea #19132 Registered workflow improvements
Arvados Epics - Idea #18800 Update Python SDK documentation
Arvados Epics - Idea #18179 Better spot instance support
Arvados Epics - Idea #16557 Reorganize user guide, update for wb2
Arvados Epics - Idea #16447 Improve container image handling
Arvados Epics - Idea #16517 Workflow resource usage, runtime, and cost visibility and forecasting
Feature #21133 Add diagnostics checks for container log API 1.0
Bug #19634 virtual machines admin failing when federated user home cluster is inaccessible 1.0
Bug #19781 GUI crashes on a certain workflow 2.0
Bug #20378 crunch-run maximum downtime tolerance
Feature #20376 Select individual process status
Feature #20375 Multi-select operations on the process list page
Feature #16057 Combine selected collections
Feature #19181 [tracking] Workbench 2 file operations
Feature #16241 Object's description display & editing is inconsistent & lacks textile support
Bug #20342 Python test_keep_client permissions tests are flaky
Feature #17695 [costanalyzer] make an accurate report for spot instances on AWS
Feature #19919 Recursive copy through workbench
Bug #20317 Searching for a container UUID always shows "{uuid} not available" error
Feature #20220 Dispatcher uses live logs endpoint on crunch-run to fetch logs and store a backup locally
Bug #19382 Cannot stream stdin to arv-put with --update-collection
Support #20263 Document ARVADOS_CONFIG env var & -config flag
Idea #20311 Update Python packages to build with PEP 517/518
Feature #20310 Add server-sent events stream at .../containers/{uuid}/log_events
Bug #20309 Groups listed in sharing pulldown have weird formatting
Bug #20308 Existing users in the sharing dialog should be listed by name, not email address
Bug #20307 A user/group to add in the sharing dialog can be saved when you delete another
Bug #20306 Going from Private→Shared in the sharing dialog gets reverted
Feature #20304 Get billing cost from cloud and include it in metrics
Feature #20302 Banner has a "don't show this to me again" checkbox instead of always defaulting to hiding banner after being shown.
Bug #20294 `async` argument of `create` methods is difficult to use in SDKs
Feature #20293 Configure links that appear under User/Admin/Help menus
Bug #20292 Cluster labels when searching often duplicate colors in WB2 and don't match color scheme
Idea #20290 Consider making all buttons blue in wb2
Idea #20289 Button in LHS panel (more info) are not consistent
Idea #20288 Need better icon for registered workflows in WB2
Idea #20286 WB2 labels and buttons look too similar
Arvados Epics - Idea #20273 More CWL runner improvements
Bug #20260 Detect when a new version of workbench is deployed and advise the user to reload
Idea #20250 Simple read-only S3 endpoint
Idea #20248 Support simple math expressions in Containers.LSF.BsubArgumentsList
Bug #20210 CWL syntax highlighting in Arvados documentation hurts my eyes
Idea #20239 Dispatcher calculates final container cost after runner/instance disappears
Idea #20234 Streamline workflow finding/launching process/Workflow versioning
Idea #20232 Don't de/serialize large container/request columns for simple list requests
Idea #20231 container/request list calls do not return large fields by default
Idea #20230 Ensure that large container/request field loads are size-limited
Bug #20228 Typing in the key input in Advanced Search clears other search criteria
Bug #20221 Project action menu should have "New collection" and "Run a workflow" options.
Bug #20215 Cloud dispatch overview diagram does not look nice
Feature #20211 Revamp Sharing dialog to show access via ownership
Idea #20213 Design scale tests for Arvados ML
Bug #20204 Limit system properties to known names, not just a prefix
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #20095 Button labels not vertically centered in firefox 1.0
Feature #16385 add prebuilt container images for Arvados releases
Feature #19987 email notifications
Idea #19985 crunch-run sets OOMScoreAdjust for the container it runs and other child processes
Bug #20104 Find workflows that are really slow to start on Arvados 2.4.4 to use for regression testing workflow loading performance
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19307 Directly shared collection with write permission cannot be modified 1.0
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #19154 Sharing dialog improvements followup
Support #19625 Text for playground onboarding page on
Bug #19965 RailsAPI should either enforce container.log is a PDH, or handle UUID updates 0.5
Feature #19369 Update browser title to reflect current main panel view
Idea #20097 Improve workflow picking/selection
Idea #20059 Redesign Register Workflow Panel
Idea #20062 WB2 Landing Page
Feature #20058 Easier presentation of search results
Idea #20060 Table Grouping for Project Page
Idea #20063 Subprocesses lag when loading process page
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #16168 edit 'properties' of container requests
Feature #16593 Way to determine owner to be able to request access
Feature #17261 Determine ownership of objects within wb2
Feature #20094 Render workflow with cwl-svg
Bug #20082 Rework wb2 icons to be consistent and match our best practices
Bug #20037 Be more consistent about displaying spinners when panels are being loaded for the first time
Feature #19979 Open sidebar to get file details, make it easy to copy keep: and keep-web links
Bug #19976 Better error when 'location' is not a string
Feature #19968 Extension to control max retries of workflow steps
Bug #19966 collection sharing link missing wget/curl authentication instructions
Bug #19981 Containers that used an old DefaultKeepCacheRAM no longer get reused after a configuration change
Feature #20669 keep-nfs for exporting file shares as NFS mounts
Feature #20668 keep-smb service exporting file shares that can be mounted on Windows
Bug #19962 singularity crunch-runner jobs cannot deal with a very large number of bind mounts
Feature #19934 arv-mount --exec can run the subprocess with the mount point as its working directory
Idea #19676 Turn data organization patterns deck into documentation page and/or blog post
Bug #19940 Long error or warning messages run over the containing box
Bug #19931 Frozen project error messages have poor visibility
Feature #20687 Support user agreement
Bug #19815 Common method arguments are undocumented in the API reference
Idea #19935 Document arv-copy usage and format
Bug #20373 Remove AdRoll/goamz dependency in keep-web testing code 1.0
Bug #20492 EBS autoscaler possibly not deleting volumes on terminate
Bug #18990 should reflect the value of TLS/Insecure in the "Get API Token" dialog
Feature #19047 Pythonic interface to launch workflows
Bug #18311 [cwl] test 221 in the 1.2 conformance suite is failing on singularity
Idea #19797 API object pool in Python SDK
Feature #19263 Support preemptible containers on LSF
Bug #19795 API discovery document uses unrecognized type names
Feature #18944 [controller] should log the user uuid used for the request
Idea #19794 Add sliding arrow or other drawer affordance to the "Additional info" button
Bug #19743 Create a collection from files project picker might have same issues as inputs for registered workflows
Bug #19742 Cluster labels in search results are hyperlinks but that is unexpected
Feature #19739 No ability to get files from other collections or copy a collection into another collection when you are in a collection
Feature #19738 Add an option for New Registered WF
Feature #19737 Not clear that when you click on a key-value metadata pair it will copy it in WB2
Bug #19736 No way to get out of "Run a WF" panel if you don't want to be there
Bug #19735 Small files show they are 0% uploaded instead of 100% because they upload too quickly
Bug #19734 If you click the window while creating a new collection or a new project in WB2 - it gives you an error message that you haven't added a name.
Feature #19733 Ability to add a collection in a different project usng +New Button
Bug #19701 arvados-server install should install under /opt instead of /var/lib
Bug #19697 Development arvbox Docker image builds with bad permissions if run with umask 077
Bug #19696 Development arvbox fails to install sdk/ruby - cannot run binstubs/bundle
Bug #19695 Development arvbox complains arvados/nulldb is not checked out
Bug #19694 Development arvbox fails to install services/api - missing mini_portile2
Feature #19628 metadata concept: schema to display properties as tabular data
Feature #19630 Navigate to collection by PDH should favor collection in current project
Idea #19626 workbench 2 process panels & sidebar notes
Arvados Epics - Idea #19592 Assigning a portable data hash to a project tree & project export/import
Feature #19593 Ability to deploy the same arvados-server package to all nodes, all nodes can handle certain types of requests
Bug #19590 Uneven captialization for documentation section titles
Idea #19403 Review eager requirement eval PR
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #18697 Cypress tests for federated scenarios
Bug #19586 Error creating a collection with "preserve_version" using the Python SDK
Bug #18266 Turn manual testing plan for WB2 into tickets to write cypress tests
Feature #18897 [go services] should log the uuid of the token used for each request (and if available, the uuid of the associated user)
Bug #18762 rails background tasks scaling issues
Idea #18221 Test coverage plan for combinations of slurm/lsf/cloud singularity/docker
Feature #18937 [config] simplify AnonymousUserToken configuration
Feature #17988 Enforce memory limits using Singularity + cloud
Feature #19564 AutoReloadConfig usable in production
Bug #19561 arv-copy should use environment when no other credentials available
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19517 Can't find the button to kill a wf running in wb2
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19499 Better viewing of long commands in Process views
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19498 clicking on property is unexpected behavior
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19497 Drop down panels for help, notificatio and admin, etc are formated differently
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19496 Help icon so small on menu you don't know what it is?
Bug #19495 unexpected behavior when searching on federated clusters
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19494 LHS Top "Project" icon - i am not sure what it is?
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19493 Search button text not vertically centered
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19492 Consistent search button behavior
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19491 Revisit panel mechanism for hiding and bringing back panels on process and collection page
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19490 is refresh button needed to be so big and one of the first elements people see?
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19489 Don't default to main log on tools/subprocesses
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19488 Logs icon is confusing
Bug #19487 If collections has no description don't show it
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19486 No properties for processes is in a larger font
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19485 if a collection has no properties - just don't show the properties section
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19484 Need Uniform Captialization For Types
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19483 font for name of workflow run on registred workflow page is super small
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19481 back button on registered wf run page is not intutive
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19479 "Run" button should be at the top of the page
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19478 registered workflow page is lacking in wb2
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19477 Link to registered workflow from panel with list of files in a project opens more info tab
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19476 can't go direct from workflow process page in wb1 to wb2
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19475 Icon for "processes" doesn't make much since
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19474 Reword and Restyle Link to Process on Collection
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19470 make useful hover overs when hovering over breadcrumbs on WB2
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19469 Add visiual way to examine an excuted workflow (for debugging and just examing performance, etc)
Bug #19468 Add a trouble shooting guide for running workflow in arvados
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19461 Hamburger bun on collection page only shows actions after you selection - I find this confusing
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19460 Collection UUI label probably doesn't need Collection on Collection Page
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19459 Create different icons for main workflow step and sub steps
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19458 Collection icon doesn't make sense to me
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19456 Collections hamburger bun workflow
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19455 hamburger bun on collections says "more options" but there are no options there
Bug #19440 Pin formulas to a particular version and avoid re-cloning formulas if the version is already cloned
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19436 rearrange descriptive information on top panel for collections
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19435 Remove non-essentail information in the top description of collection
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19432 Filter option for Projects seems confusing
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19431 Can't wrap my head about what the stars mean when filtering?
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19430 Names for filtering on project view are confusing
Bug #19422 When replacing references with $imports make sure the thing is defined at least once
Bug #19429 Somehow detect that scratch space failed to mount
Idea #19427 User guide page on data transfer patterns (getting data into & out of keep)
Feature #19420 arv-put prints when waiting on stdin, create empty collections
Feature #19410 Support fractional CPUs
Bug #19216 we don't log to journald and that's confusing
Feature #18564 [art] run jenkins release build steps with a set of parameters
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19301 Details panel layout improvements
Bug #18936 [api] [controller] remove reader_token support
Bug #19292 feature of keep-block-check to do deep verification that all blocks in a collection are intact
Bug #19239 Require username field to be populated consistently
Bug #13144 [SDKs] Wean all components off old arvadosclient and keepclient libraries
Bug #19314 Arvados wb2 doesn't like names with / and maybe other characters but that is the default name for docker images
Bug #17918 cwltool 'id' changes packing behavior
Bug #16329 Inconsistent upload behavior between wb1 and wb2
Bug #18964 Write better prefetch tests
Feature #19272 Support creating buckets & access by name in the S3 API
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19259 Data Collection header section text overflow
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19258 unexpected behaviour in "make collection from selected" in WB2
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19257 no filter option for workflows in WB2
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #19255 Download of data collection additional possibilities
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19254 Workbench shows blank page for users who have no access
Bug #19252 Project path sometimes disappears on Arvados WB2
Feature #19251 Group search in Sharing Dialog only limited to 5 groups
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #19250 User search in the sharing dialog too unspecific
Arvados Epics - Idea #19246 Investigate running NextFlow on Arvados (possibly using TES)
Feature #19262 submit containers as different users on HPC
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #19131 Sharing URLs/Links: Allow the user to attach a personal note
Feature #19086 Can provide input JSON/YAML when launching a Workflow as an alternative to the input form
Feature #19197 Optimize permission checks for can_write/can_manage fields
Feature #19196 Allow API select parameter to add/remove fields from the default set
Feature #19194 Return can_manage and can_write for all object types (not just users/groups/projects)
Feature #19198 Feature to normalize and re-pack manifest so that same content always has same hash
Arvados Epics - Idea #19170 Arvados-Seek
Feature #19150 `arvados-server install -type=test -test-suite-user=X` should add user X to docker and fuse groups
Arvados Epics - Idea #19089 Cross-federation filter groups
Feature #19091 Managed property to assert valid unix username
Feature #17054 Custom naming for scatter steps
Feature #19082 Scale default keep cache request with cores or RAM request
Feature #19056 Environment variable / command line convention that specifies where to get HOST/TOKEN settings.conf
Feature #18788 User merge & migration support on LoginCluster federations
Feature #18960 Config option to make crunch-run use Go FUSE driver when all mounts are read-only
Support #19058 Add code scanning to jenkins pipeline
Bug #18977 Mishandled Azure error?
Feature #18988 [CWL] support singularity/docker hint to make debugging workflows easier
Feature #18576 arv-put converts properties aliases to vocabulary ids
Feature #18689 support secret_environment
Bug #18969 Controller should monitor its own memory usage and pause requests handling when memory usage is high
Feature #18967 Drop unused columns and tables
Bug #18765 engine configuration too big > 1048448 with singularity
Idea #18942 Remove perl SDK, tests, dependencies
Bug #18864 "Responsible person" link is wrong
Idea #18853 Get input collection uuid or metadata
Arvados Epics - Idea #18847 Structured type checking for properties
Feature #18841 Feature to inject additional info into wb2 details panel
Feature #18840 Algorithm to repack small files into larger blocks
Feature #18810 PySDK API Client wrapper methods that automatically translate properties using a vocabulary
Idea #18798 Turn code cookbook into liquid template & include files separately
Feature #18726 a-c-r uses arv-put internally to upload dependencies
Arvados Epics - Idea #18685 Synchronize configuration on multi-node cluster
Feature #18677 Container runtime metrics API
Feature #18672 [go sdk] describe + implement desired Go SDK
Bug #18671 [go sdk] update documentation
Feature #18668 [deduplication report] add project support
Feature #18623 Ensure Etag can be used and honor If-Match header in updates
Feature #18620 [LSF] use btop to adjust relative priorities of arvados jobs
Bug #18618 Reusing workflows/steps is too slow
Bug #18586 Remove docs/code for unsupported AsyncPermissionsUpdateInterval
Feature #18573 packer compute image builder script should take an explicit arvados package version to install instead of latest in selected package repository
Feature #18548 Ability to share a link to the "Get API Token" dialog in WB"
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #14847 [Workbench] Version/ Debugging info
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #15353 [Data operations] Chooser supports browing/picking projects/collections on federated clusters
Idea #15624 [WB2] Provide capability to use CSV file to populate inputs of workflow
Bug #15790 [Workbench2] Non-admin users can access admin pages via urls
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #16300 Compare 2 collection versions
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #15278 [Workbench 2] Search for & execute workflows defined on federated clusters
Bug #16170 Uploading of folder structure into collection is not working
Bug #15569 [WB2] Notify the user when websockets service is disabled
Feature #12179 Panel showing available instance types on the cluster
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #16054 Responsive layout, reflows based on window width
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #15525 [WB2] Copying a collection with files in subdirectories fails
Bug #14710 [Workbench] Child containers run on federated clusters do not show up 3.0
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #15832 [WB2] Add create data collection to context menu for projects
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #14904 [Running a workflow] Pre-defined collections do not show up in the list and cannot be deselected
Idea #15105 [Spike] Evaluate alternatives for Composer functionality in Workbench2 1.0
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #13564 [Workbench] Uploader should have a timeout
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #15217 [Workbench 2] Add support for setting trashIntermediate value on workflows
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #16131 Read only fields shouldn't be sent to the api server
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #16038 Custom Enum Type in the workflow breaks the Workflow runner Wizard
Idea #10344 [Workbench] Import CWL workflow
Bug #16970 "Shared" option in sharing dialog is confusing
Feature #15917 [workbench2] submit workflows via WES
Bug #17434 project not shown in hierarchy on the left of wb2
Feature #17354 Be able to inject additional documentation text into WebDAV/s3 info dialog
Feature #18970 Add support for browsing as anonymous user
Bug #16510 Indirectly trashed item's context menu show editable actions
Feature #17178 Render live graphs of container crunchstat in wb2
Feature #17174 Menu item ordering
Idea #18515 run interactive Jupyter on shell and/or compute nodes
Bug #18500 Arvados CV for "Study Type" property not active
Bug #18499 Advanced Dialog on collections renders a long manifest_text as null
Bug #18498 WB2 collection UUID in project URL shows blank page
Bug #18486 Docker containers are always removed
Bug #18481 Workbench allows setting values with leading and trailing whitespace in property values
Bug #18345 Activity script crash
Feature #18347 Cache negative token lookups in federation/OIDC
Feature #18463 Sharing dialog shows all permissions including indirect and allows searching for users by name
Idea #18462 Requesting object by uuid should return 403 instead of 404
Bug #18393 [workbench2] forces relogin on every new window/tab
Arvados Epics - Idea #18350 Login cluster with only arvados-controller & no fallback to Rails
Arvados Epics - Idea #15960 Computing on external data
Bug #18385 arvados-server config-dump | arvados-server config-check -config=- spurious warnings
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #18371 Handle unreachable API server better on startup
Feature #18369 [doc] describe the block packing algorithm used by our various Keep clients (arv-put, python sdk, keep-web, arv-mount)
Bug #18278 [k8s] start using an ingress
Support #17232 add example of readRDS() to arvadosR help
Idea #18239 Add Kubernetes testing to CI
Idea #18341 "arvados-server init" can set up a single-node production cluster
Idea #18338 "arvados-server init" can use a local root CA to sign certificates
Bug #18166 [Release] Auto-sync the arvados gem dependencies on RailsAPI and Workbench1
Feature #18335 Export health checks as Prometheus metrics
Bug #18334 Accept release info changes in docker recipes
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #18587 "Copy selected into collection" incorrect behavior
Bug #18292 [cleanup] remove AssignNodeHostname from the configuration. Also from the documentation.
Bug #18280 Advanced Search in ARV PROD GUI non-functional
Bug #18279 Data Collection page on 2.3.0 rc2
Bug #18262 [crunch-run] handle out-of-diskspace on the compute node better
Idea #18255 Proof of concept Arvados single-node AMI
Feature #18218 ARV GUI: perform operations on files selected via the filter
Bug #18214 global search results link to wb1 not wb2
Feature #18213 Arvados "display in new tab" shows outdated data
Bug #18212 Read-only users can't open file in new tab
Bug #18210 Create Mountainduck Bookmark files not working
Feature #18209 Re-run process on arvados throws error
Bug #18208 Workbench2 search shows all sites even if just searching in one site
Idea #18241 "NanoCPUs can not be set" Docker error
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #18202 User Attributes Dialog are incorrectly displayed
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #18200 Different content size of collection & files in wb2 vs wb
Bug #18199 Issue with sharing settings of "open access" new projects
Bug #18198 "copy selected files into collection" function in WB2 extremely slow
Feature #18197 add search option to input selection when running a workflow
Feature #18196 expose saved searches as browsing option on the left side
Bug #18191 [doc] the compute node image doc does not take releases into account
Bug #18220 Support Docker ENTRYPOINT on Singularity in crunch-run
Feature #18182 Parameter on get_permissions API to return every user and group with permissions
Feature #18181 Ability to specify a % of compute instance price that user is willing to go over from cheapest
Feature #18174 [servers] add logging with automatic rotation to user-specified directory
Bug #18170 Display of long names can be improved on WB2
Bug #18168 Workbench2 Trash is not listing all trashed items
Feature #18163 [Crunch] add CWL extension to limit the number of concurrently running jobs during a scatter
Bug #18161 [a-d-c] the arvados_dispatchcloud_queue_entries prometheus metric should report actual instance types
Idea #18150 Document configuration items for customizing text in Workbench
Feature #18125 [deployment][provision][documentation] explain how to use a custom/existing postgresql RDBMS
Bug #18118 investigate separate socket timeouts waiting for connection and HTTP response in Python SDK
Bug #18114 [a-d-c] slow down retries when CreateInstance returns non-quota/non-throttle errors
Idea #15502 endpoint to show why container requests didn't reuse
Support #17969 Investigate plugins for redmine templates
Bug #18019 [deployment][arvados-formula] selinux breaks many installation steps
Bug #18016 [api] remove unused last_used_at and last_used_by_ip_address columns on api_client_authorizations table
Bug #18011 [packaging][centos7] systemctl daemon-reload should be run by the post-inst script when upgrading packages on centos 7
Bug #18009 [controller] always returns an empty "unsigned_manifest_text" field for collections
Bug #18008 [api] reqid not always being recorded in the api server log
Feature #17826 Mark individual collections with permission to download through keep-web.
Bug #18000 [deduplicationreport] negative number in the "saved by Keep deduplication" report
Feature #17838 Create filter group from advanced search
Feature #17946 design: add complex structures to structured vocabulary
Feature #17945 design: Add type checking to the structured vocabulary
Bug #17942 [arv-mount] requests manifest text multiple times when mounting collection
Bug #17941 [ws] memory management issues
Bug #17940 [controller] memory management issues
Bug #17937 [workbench] uploader is hardcoded to X-Keep-Desired-Replicas: 2
Bug #17878 [container shell] confusing error "channel 3: bad ext data" when forwarding tcp traffic into a container with API: false
Bug #17859 When @AutoSetupNewUsers: true@ new users' username is added as email
Bug #3622 [API] [refactor] Move system_group, system_user, etc to class methods in Group and User 0.5
Feature #3818 [API] Discovery document schema should include whether field on resource is writable or read-only. 1.0
Idea #3365 [SDK] Show the Workbench URI for the job when running a job or pipeline from the command line 0.5
Idea #3199 [SDK] Keep clients (e.g., arv-put and crunch-job) ask API to refresh blob signatures if expiry times are sooner than ETA of collection.create 3.0
Bug #5738 [API] Validate that selected columns are selectable, and return an error if not 0.5
Bug #5913 [Workbench] Should validate that a job's repository actually exists before rendering the link to avoid fiddlesticks
Bug #4706 [Workbench] Re-connect to websockets when the connection drops; use "last_log_id" so nothing is missed. 1.0
Bug #13766 [API] bug in libyaml / Pysch used by API server to parse yaml
Feature #15051 [a-d-c] EC2 driver supports AssumeRole 2.0
Idea #14952 [crunchstat-summary] Add arv-mount FUSE ops time 0.5
Bug #11238 job_task creation fails with ApiError - HttpError 422 - ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::InternalError: ERROR: invalid memory alloc request size 1718630765
Bug #11222 Docker load time on compute node is too long
Idea #11251 [Tests] Make workbench integration tests finish faster (at least in Jenkins)
Bug #11260 [API] "arv group contents" produces a 404 error (seems to POST instead of GET?)
Bug #11405 [arv-put] Lumpy / slow upload
Bug #11460 [SDK] avoid interfering with socket open/close - use pycurl sockoptfunction instead of opensocketfunction
Idea #11452 Support rendering of CWL description fields with embedded markup
Feature #11508 HTTP 503 status for planned downtime
Bug #11520 "arv collection list" command parsing allows invalid lines
Idea #11524 Implement disk usage reporting for the administrator
Bug #11547 [API] Excessive memory and time consumed by API and dispatch when container fields (like "mounts") are large
Bug #11548 workbench needs to handle API server timeouts better
Bug #11553 [FUSE] Writable fuse creating conflicts with itself
Feature #11555 [API] Webhook callbacks for server-to-server communication
Idea #11558 [FUSE] Integration test using real programs with complex write patterns.
Idea #11741 [Crunch2] Create workflow object for CWL runs which are initiated from the command line
Bug #11556 occasional API server badness: 'incomplete response received from application'
Idea #9441 [Workbench] Improve user page group memberships management [to be groomed]
Bug #11593 [API] [Workbench] config option serve_static_assets to serve_static_files 1.0
Bug #11581 a-c-r should log the command used to run the pipeline
Feature #11605 arv-put detects symlinks to common files and directories to avoid duplicated uploads
Feature #11668 [SDKs] Exceptions raised by Python SDK should include the "error token" if provided in the API response
Bug #11669 [Crunch2] crunch-dispatch-slurm hits scancel too much
Bug #11680 [Workbench] Provenance graph consolidates scatter steps
Bug #11691 Using cwl, when you obtain files (file objects) from a directory listing they lose some fields when compare to files listed in cwl doc
Idea #11983 On the collections page indicate expiring collections
Bug #12082 [SDKs] Improve wording of Keep error messages in Python SDK
Bug #12170 crunch-run handling non-group readable files in output directory
Idea #11285 Update Pipeline Optimization wiki with CWL/Crunchv2
Bug #12331 [CWL] Does not distinguish between keep references to File and Directory when selected in Workbench template
Bug #11519 arv-get should abort on ctrl/C
Bug #12465 [crunchv2] Improve crunch-run environment reporting
Bug #12510 [API] Don't create an index if it exists already. Will break install if we manually added it,
Bug #11261 [API] full text search on pipeline_instances table is extremely slow (wrong index?)
Bug #11296 [arv-put] bad progress indicator
Feature #11410 [SDK] tool for copying CWL file + input collections 0.5
Idea #13077 R SDK submit to Bioconductor
Bug #13142 crunch-dispatch-slurm uses a surprising number of file descriptors, and stops dispatching when it gets a "too many open files" error
Bug #13322 keepstore -help entry for -dump-config is unclear
Bug #13343 arvbox warn if running as root or on OS X
Idea #11740 [Workbench] Support display & reseting of expiration dates for collections 2.0
Feature #12900 [Crunch2] [crunch-run] Prune old images before installing image for current container 3.0
Idea #15175 Upgrade jQuery to a supported version 3.0
Bug #9363 [keep-balance] Avoid deleting recently-referenced blocks 1.0
Idea #2679 [API] If enabled by user via "preferences" checkbox in Workbench, notification service sends email to owner when a workflow finishes, fails, or is failing 2.0
Feature #15457 [Controller] Delegate new container requests to other clusters based on location of input data 3.0
Idea #15476 Switch all Workbench tests from PhantomJS to Selenium/Firefox 1.0
Feature #11515 [CWL] [Workbench] Support for copying/moving pipelines
Bug #15588 [API] "DefaultReplication: 0" should be an error
Bug #15757 [FUSE] occasional deadlock in tests.test_unmount.UnmountTest.test_replace
Bug #15727 [FUSE] Unhandled exception while getting discovery doc
Idea #15879 Out of the box routing (NGINX) standard as part of basic install
Feature #16744 [keep-web] Support more S3 write APIs: DeleteObjects, POST object
Bug #16830 [keep-web] S3 PutObject response should have content MD5
Bug #16852 [keep-balance] replication level distribution should account for volumes' built-in replication
Feature #17684 [deployment][arvados-formula] add sudo examples to use arvados as a pam source for shell nodes
Bug #11679 [Workbench] Logs containers with undefined exit code
Bug #12198 Copying a project with a docker image doesn't copy the docker metadata
Feature #11745 Support structured markup for datasets
Idea #11875 User accounts optionally have read-only access
Bug #11863 [Go] CLI programs should exit 0 after giving -help
Idea #8573 crunchstat-summary should calculate averages of all metrics
Feature #11183 [Deployment] Use consul to report health of services/components
Idea #12089 Javascript SDK
Feature #12028 Be able to create a new collection based on a subdirectory in workbench
Feature #12692 [keep-web] Accept /t=token/c=collection/path (currently only /c=collection/t=token/path)
Bug #12854 [crunchstat-summary] broken option for skip child jobs?
Idea #12239 Allow templating of the collection sharing web page
Feature #13126 [keep] Investigate using signed URLs to delegate access to cloud buckets
Bug #12360 Document how to add EBS tmp disk to nodemanager configuration
Bug #13005 [Crunch2] All stdout gets the same timestamp and other logging problems
Bug #13102 containers are not reused unless runtime constraints (including RAM) match exactly
Idea #13096 Investigate packrat to lock down R package dependencies
Idea #9653 [keepstore] Limit entire process to configured amount or % of system memory (replace -max-buffers=X)
Idea #12191 Support SLURM parameter passthrough from CWL jobs 2.0
Idea #13522 [keepproxy] document limiting maximum number of HTTP connections 0.5
Feature #13272 [keep-web] read/write support for /by_id and /users 2.0
Idea #14374 Multi-site (federated) object search in controller 3.0
Bug #13351 Benchmark container_request creation and see if there are opportunities for optimization
Bug #13789 Document web socket server API (v0) 1.0
Idea #13048 Refactor crunch2 logging 2.0
Feature #13403 [crunch-run] Cancel container on FUSE error 2.0
Bug #13162 [SDKs] Remove arvadosclient and keepclient libraries
Feature #14912 [Crunch2] Azure driver supports attaching extra storage 2.0
Feature #8064 [Keep-web] Support CORS requests with Authorization headers 0.5
Support #14944 skip python/go env setup, don't print skipped tests
Idea #13110 [WebDAV] WebDAV performance enhancements
Idea #14996 Log crunch-run resource usage statistics 2.0
Idea #15528 [docs] better explain the relationship between API server, controller and nginx in install docs
Idea #13390 Document API in API discovery document
Bug #15176 Update AngularJS to a supported version 2.0
Bug #13607 [arv-mount] avoid excessive memory consumption of idle arv-mounts
Idea #15455 Outputs of workflow runs get put into a default location other than the user's home project 2.0
Bug #13956 [keep-web] (webdav) Support COPY and MOVE between collections
Idea #13218 Support browsing of projects shared with me in WebDAV 2.0
Bug #13916 Discovery document inconsistencies
Idea #13925 Default keep cache scales with requested container size
Bug #13982 crunch-dispatch-slurm / Go SDK Dispatcher not able to "let go" of deleted containers
Idea #13995 [Controller] Port "collection update" functional tests from Rails API to controller test suite
Idea #15372 Revise group permissions to separate them from permissions on managed objects 5.0
Idea #15732 Update group sync tool for new group permission scheme 1.0
Bug #13998 [keepstore] Cached block fetch for federation
Idea #15885 Integrate status dashboard
Bug #15537 Clarify that Arvados CLI tools are Linux only
Idea #14001 [Spike] [Controller] Port "update workflow" API to controller
Idea #14004 [Controller] Keep database in tune
Bug #16851 [keep-balance] "underreplicated blocks" are overcounted in log messages
Feature #14016 [API] Container request can provide existing collection UUID that will accept CR output
Feature #17468 [controller] Skip repetitive OIDC UserInfo calls if access token validates as an ID token 1.0
Bug #17345 [boot] handle dependency upgrades better in "arvados-package build" 1.0
Feature #14168 [Running a workflow] Input presets
Feature #11442 [CWL] Resolve symbolic names to collections
Bug #14405 [API] Avoid long-running transactions when sweeping trashed objects
Bug #14488 [keepstore] Do not try to trash blocks that were already trashed in previous sweep
Feature #16462 Expand arvados-controller to expose forecast features
Bug #14650 [arvados-cwl-runner] Inaccessible collection causes long traceback
Feature #9136 [Python SDK] Add a Collection method to efficiently concatenate files
Feature #13643 [CWL] Requirement for storage classes of data
Bug #10298 [Crunch2] [API] Accept collection UUID or PDH as container_image in a container request
Idea #9425 [API?/Workbench] Search for a link tag value returns linked objects
Bug #10390 crunchstat-summary should explain why "(no report generated)" when possible
Feature #10767 [API] [arvados-ws] remove all websockets and puma related code from the api server codebase
Feature #13557 Copying a container request should link to the original container request
Idea #11770 [Python SDK] Implement support for universal newline mode in Collections API
Bug #12178 Activating an account (setting is_active from false to true) does not email the new user
Support #14906 [SDK] Maintain Arvados SDKs in Bioconda
Idea #12571 arv-mount by_tag directory support for properties
Idea #12527 [Composer] Refactor to separate vendor-specific pieces and all them to be replaced
Idea #15259 Invalidate tokens federation-wide on when invalidated on home cluster
Idea #15436 can run offline
Idea #15580 [CWL] Register workflow and run from git repo
Bug #12791 [API] fix race between arrival of trash time and next sweep
Bug #15692 [CWL] test_with_arvbox integration tests use tests inside image
Idea #15697 [doc] explain lifecycle of Keep blocks, and how it affects storage backend usage/cost
Bug #11625 [Workbench] Ensure that running processes are visible on the dashboard
Idea #15925 Separate arvados-git-sync from API server
Feature #13062 [SDK] Reduce collection class memory footprint
Idea #8181 [Keepstore] Support a portable data challenge API
Bug #16426 [arv-put] should calculate (worst case) manifest size up front before upload, and abort when it is too large
Bug #16566 [cli] can't create a token when using a token created with create_superuser_token.rb
Idea #13326 As a data provider, I would like the ability to provide metered access to my data on Arvados, including start/end dates, bandwidth caps, and % of file accessed
Idea #13325 As a CWL learner, I would like to be able to run CWL workflows easily on playground
Idea #12666 --ignore-docker-for-reuse not passed to crunch v2 jobs started via --submit --no-wait
Feature #13388 [Epic] Zero-downtime upgrade
Bug #17413 [arv-mount] Exit (instead of undefined behavior) after unhandled exception
Bug #17428 [deployment] arvados-api-server fails to re-install/upgrade if the postgresql-client and the server versions differ
Feature #17490 [workbench2] make filter groups creatable/editable
Bug #13636 crunch-run takes a very long time for CWL steps with large numbers of File inputs - could use a new kind of mounts entry to address this
Bug #13644 [STORAGE-CLASES] Report the storage classes used by a pipeline
Feature #13675 [Composer/Workbench] Import of public git repo to a new Arvados repository
Idea #13760 Provide more information to SLURM to make scheduling decisions on HPC
Idea #13384 [Workbench] Search users by email address and shell account
Bug #17759 [Keep] azure blob driver 404 errors are weird
Bug #13763 [API] groups#contents response should obey caller-provided order (not sort on type first)
Idea #13794 Build Docker images without requiring Docker on client
Bug #17764 [arv-put] progress update does not refresh frequently enough
Bug #17775 [a-d-c] the user should be able to see when preemptible nodes get shut down and the running container requeued
Bug #13972 Listing collections by PDH and name can be very slow
Bug #13981 Make keep-web documentation available on
Bug #13991 crunch-dispatch-slurm does not warn when slurm MaxJobCount reached
Feature #17827 [deployment][provision] rename the *_TAG variables to *_FORMULA_TAG
Idea #13997 [Controller] Port "collection update" API from Rails
Feature #17814 Send "invite" or "friend request" to connect with other users
Feature #17805 [fuse] access containers and container_requests through by_id directory in sitefs
Feature #14030 [CWL] Use streamable flag as a hint to use keep output
Feature #14021 [crunch-dispatch-slurm] option to set job priority directly instead of using nice values
Feature #14200 [API] Reduce privilege exposure via API tokens in multi-cluster workflows
Feature #14257 [controller] refresh manifest API
Idea #17478 Port Rails controller and integration tests for Groups to controller
Feature #14457 [api] send e-mail notification to user when their arvados account is activated
Feature #17773 support token OIDC token introspection
Bug #17674 add profiling infrastructure to Rails API server
Idea #14997 [crunchstat-summary] Support multiple data series per graph (e.g. TX/RX, user/sys CPU, etc)
Bug #17681 [controller] seems to have a really long timeout for its db connection
Idea #17718 Standalone JWT token support for OIDC
Feature #15025 [arvados-dispatch-cloud] GCE driver (Google Compute Engine)
Idea #14923 [CWL] Reduce memory footprint by using webdav to get file/dir listings in collections (instead of Python SDK)
Idea #15070 Update search API to support OR queries across text and vocabulary IDs
Feature #15082 [controller] [all services] Publish entire config including secrets
Feature #15125 [keep-balance] [keepstore] Procedure to halt/reverse/investigate a suspected data loss incident
Idea #15364 Better CWL onboarding
Feature #15135 [Crunch2] Post-run hooks
Bug #15118 [keepstore] Return 5xx (not 4xx) if block is not found due to transient backend device failure
Feature #15249 [cwl] a-c-r supports --js-console
Feature #15204 Federation diagnostic tools/APIs
Feature #15279 [cwl] expressions in keep_cache
Bug #15183 [Workbench2] No errors reported when file is missing a block
Feature #15320 [API] add integration test for new user signup
Feature #17768 Special file/path in collection that indicates a folder shouldn't be expanded by default
Idea #15339 ExpressionTool can be explicitly run under a CR
Idea #15382 Synthetic database generator tool
Idea #15381 can populate/use local package cache directories
Idea #15540 Paginate crunchstat-summary HTML output
Bug #15579 Staging a large number of files with "loadListing: no_listing" still takes more than 30 mins
Feature #17751 [arvados-dispatch-cloud] expose rate-limiting condition in metrics
Bug #17741 Golang SDK CollectionFileSystem uses time.Now() as default Last-Modified for all collections identified by portable data hash
Idea #15783 Add Arvados services go docs
Idea #15909 Systematic review of documentation gaps
Idea #17699 Design new keepstore internal architecture that supports efficient streaming & range requests
Feature #16738 [a-d-c] introduce concept of "quota partition"
Feature #16802 [packaging] create an arvados-shell-node package
Feature #16843 [a-d-c] admin cli
Bug #17314 [API] [controller] [Workbench] 404 on foreign user UUID in admin interface
Feature #17694 [Keep][keep-web] improve observability of buffer cache
Feature #17693 [keep-web] Improve cache efficiency for a mix of fast and slow clients
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #17518 Workbench2 lets users auto-login and access dialogs through direct links
Bug #17745 [config] arvados-server config-dump with ec2 driver has confusing output
Feature #17613 "created_by_uuid" field
Bug #17597 [keep-web] Improve error response when AnonymousUserToken not configured and no token provided by client
Feature #17586 Merge collections
Bug #17771 [a-d-c] when a cluster supports preemptible nodes, there should be a knob to allow the user to choose the use of preemptible nodes, or not
Bug #17780 [a-d-c] when toggling UsePreemptibleInstances, existing containers that are runnable generate lots of errors
Feature #17581 Improvement: hierarchy in workflow selection in WB2
Idea #8672 [CWL] option for arvados-cwl-runner to create new project for pipeline run
Bug #17578 Global search results presentation in WB2
Bug #17561 [arvados-dispatch-cloud] inst.SetTags() and inst.Destroy() should respect rate-limiting responses from cloud provider
Feature #17461 Flag to make turn file format mismatches from an error to a warning
Feature #17520 Option to delete a container and all associated child containers, logs and outputs.
Bug #17494 Still updating users from login cluster when nothing changed
Idea #17472 Architecture for displaying container metrics in workbench
Support #17320 Explain what additonal configuration is needed for to go to production
Bug #17433 Long picklists hide typing field in WB2
Bug #17424 [API] group contents endpoint edge cases with filter on uuid
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #17416 Make sure dev packages don't get included when making the production build
Feature #17401 VS code plugin for Arvados
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #17400 Directly shared collections are displayed as "read-only"
Bug #17396 Favorites copy dialog further issues
Bug #17381 [playground] [wb2] add a redirect
Idea #17348 Example workflow template which streams data from S3 in first step, does some computation steps, and uploads results back to S3.
Bug #17347 crunch-run --list fatal error out of memory
Bug #17073 Permission links originating from users should only update that user
Feature #17310 SAML support
Feature #17304 Allow setting properties on processes
Feature #17303 List properties and allow filtering by them in the project listings
Bug #17300 array of array of File causes 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'resolved'
Feature #17292 Merging collections feature
Bug #17291 Copy selected to collection issue
Bug #17275 Move Go Arvados RPC module into Go SDK & migrate to new API
Feature #17206 crunch-run reverse proxies HTTP requests to container
Support #16673 Document using OpenID Connect support for AAI
Idea #17214 Investigate using tracing
Feature #17251 Investigate mypyc for arvados-cwl-runner
Arvados Epics - Idea #18047 Metadata browsing
Arvados Epics - Idea #17849 FUSE driver v2
Arvados Epics - Idea #17701 WB2 usable on small screens / mobile
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #17195 workbench2/static/js/main.ad432f16.js has hardcoded
Feature #17194 support Amazon Linux
Bug #17186 [dispatch] broken node logs should also be copied to a-d-c logs
Feature #17185 [adc] add broken node metrics
Bug #17160 [packaging] upgrade to use twine for upload to PyPI
Bug #17159 [build] make build-packages-python-ruby run on a Jenkins satellite
Feature #17149 Checkpoint / snapshot to support migrating tasks when more memory is needed
Feature #17148 add logging middleware to lib/cmd
Idea #17116 Consider excluding api_client_authorization from audit logs by default.
Feature #17112 Store unsigned collection manifests in keep
Feature #17110 Container reuse on sub-workflows and chunks of scatter inputs
Feature #17100 Audit logs should include current/logged in user
Bug #16614 Submitting workflows with large numbers of file inputs is very slow
Bug #17052 arvados-server replaces
Bug #17041 Upload doesn't work on arvbox-demo
Feature #17038 [controller] Option to request additional scopes, and verify additional claims, during OpenID Connect auth
Feature #17037 [controller] Improve use of given_name/family_name fields for generic OpenID Connect providers
Bug #16832 replace linkchecker in our build environment
Support #17166 Set up CWL project jenkins server
Bug #17005 CWL v1.2 Conformance test 83 failed twice on the new Arvados Playground
Bug #16867 Rust SDK
Feature #16866 Support OpenAPI
Bug #16853 [arvbox] various bugs
Feature #16849 Investigate / document using Rabix Composer + arv-mount + arvados-cwl-runner
Feature #16784 Roles view
Bug #16771 [keepstore,arvados-dispatch-cloud] Driver parameter should be specified consistently
Idea #16741 Upload verification tool
Idea #16728 Migrate federated workflow and federation user migrate tests to use arvados-boot
Feature #16701 Tool to compare contents of a local file system to contents of a collection
Bug #16682 Missing nodejs should not be a fatal error for submitting a workflow
Bug #16658 [Bug] "Move/Copy To" Dialog does not list all possible target locations.
Bug #16656 Arvados bug (GUI): Favorites not displayed in ARV move function
Feature #16651 Show sharing dialog also for users with read and write permissions
Feature #16650 Downloading and open in new tab for subfolders in data collection
Feature #16644 Move files into existing collection
Feature #16643 Notification functionality
Feature #16642 Processes page
Feature #16639 Display number of hits for search function
Bug #16633 "Arvados VM" is not defined in the docs
Feature #16617 Improve arv-copy for workflows
Feature #16590 support dynamic arvados users on shell nodes (NSS)
Feature #16574 Can limit which users can submit container requests.
Feature #16571 Permission system supports seeing & sharing with a group without having access to group contents.
Feature #16567 GCP support in arvados-dispatch-cloud
Feature #16563 All services support TLS directly
Feature #16562 SDKs ask API server for preferred "Services" config based on whether you are "internal" or "external"
Bug #16556 Template for Workflow Displaying Last Step instead of Main on Workbench
Feature #16519 [keepstore] optimize md5sum calculations
Bug #16227 Downloading folders gets HTML page from WebDAV not data
Feature #16518 [keep] Allow clients to set a header to disable md5sum calculations in keepstore
Support #16532 Write a troubleshooting page with debugging advice for configuration issues
Feature #16491 Local/Samba/NFS Arvados uploads in pure Golang
Idea #16453 [controller] Expand config comment about LDAP search filters 0.5
Bug #16448 Validation should detect input/output parameter name collisions.
Bug #16436 [install] Ensure postgresql has en_US.UTF-8 collation
Bug #16409 User tool runs out of memory and is killed ; job still reported as being successful
Bug #16401 Provenance graph not correctly capturing scatter/gather
Bug #16400 Project Description editing lacks preview mode and lacks formatting instructions
Feature #16390 [k8s] add support for Azure AKS
Feature #16386 [k8s] make the docker images for our golang binaries much leaner
Feature #16372 Vertical autoscaling
Bug #16371 <ArvadosModel::UnresolvableContainerError: docker image "arvados/jobs" not found> (req-3ni7i1prpb9v3ii8ux3b) [API: 422]
Feature #16369 Should be possible to promote a workflow run via arvados-cwl-runner to a published workflow with one click
Bug #16368 should redirect to
Bug #16367 forced download of arvados/jobs to client
Feature #16348 Better metrics of keepstore bandwidth usage (especially on back end)
Bug #16346 Determine best practices for error wrapping in Go
Bug #16338 no way to see the CWL input object
Bug #16337 is empty
Feature #16336 arv keep put: accept a URL for server side loading
Feature #16334 side-load public docker containers, if possible
Feature #16333 Export workflows+provenance as Workflow RO-Crate w/ CWLProv
Bug #16332 The user interface for approving users doesn't make sense
Bug #16251 Workflows unable to show inputs
Bug #16250 API Endpoint not found when opening advanced menu of collection
Bug #16249 Workflow does not allow entering inputs
Bug #16228 NullPointerException while uploading file using Java SDK
Feature #16160 controller exports metrics per endpoint
Bug #16182 Prevent login from old email addresses
Bug #16179 "Move/Copy To" Dialog does not list all possible target locations.
Feature #16120 [arvados-server] Add profiling flag to service components
Arvados Epics - Idea #16858 Collection check in / check out
Arvados Epics - Idea #16782 Add-on module system
Arvados Epics - Idea #16560 Single-click install & subscription via cloud marketplace
Arvados Epics - Idea #16514 Actionable insight into keep usage
Arvados Epics - Idea #16446 Manifest format improvements
Arvados Epics - Idea #16445 Expand permission system
Arvados Epics - Idea #16303 Kubernetes support
Arvados Epics - Idea #16210 Research Object provenance (CWL-PROV)
Idea #16069 [boot] start a dev cluster 5.0
Support #16062 Record demo videos
Feature #16008 API to query permissions (for use by 3rd party integrations)
Bug #15938 [API] requesting collections via POST with _method=GET returns one result
Feature #15918 [API] Support GA4GH WES as a core API
Bug #14726 [CWL] Propagating input file to output gets confusing error
Arvados Epics - Idea #15941 arvados-boot
Bug #15906 Issues with collection manifest in Java SDK v2
Idea #15865 [arvados-dispatch-cloud] Cumulative instance time and cost metrics
Feature #15846 [Workbench2] Data explorer page navigation
Feature #15844 [Workbench2] Indicate when a DataExplorer filter is active
Feature #15843 Order container_requests by container exit_code and state
Idea #15788 Improve Arvados services go docs
Feature #15689 Add the ability to start arvbox with a specific arvados repo
Bug #15650 Superscript element brackets showing in header
Idea #15641 [keep-balance] [SDKs] rendezvous by volume UUID instead of server UUID
Bug #15602 Workbench Integration tests errors
Feature #15582 [API] [Controller] Per-user client login permissions
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #15517 Improve pagination of very long lists
Bug #15503 Display hashes of CWL secrets in workbench
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #15501 Update help documentation links
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #15456 Search/filtering in chooser
Bug #13813 [CLI] arv traceback on simple timeout
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #14513 [Workbench] Add "Share" button next to the shared folders breadcrumbs
Bug #15178 Potential security issues with Report a Problem dialog
Idea #15173 Integrate arvados-tools repository into curoverse repo
Feature #15005 [arv-mount] Fuse operations longer than the crunchstat interval
Bug #14972 [arv-mount] mount-tmp flag does not start in read/write mode
Bug #14882 Upgrading to 1.3.0-1 Error: no proxy available for cluster
Bug #14766 ResourceRequirement disk space ask should be shown in workbench / API response
Bug #14693 [arvbox] runsv fatal: unable to lock supervise/lock
Bug #14705 Weird container rerun on fail?
Bug #14429 [CWL] Initial work dir error
Support #14311 [idea] jenkins-style dashboard UI
Bug #14147 error page with (very) old layout on api server
Bug #14117 c-d-s reniceAll sets nice on jobs that are not pending
Bug #14116 c-d-s reniceAll does not wait for complete information on Arvados jobs
Bug #14115 c-d-s reniceAll takes a very long time and holds up SqueueChecker updates and initial job submission
Idea #14067 Moving or Copying collections in workbench should have an input uuid field
Bug #14022 [Tests] Timeouts causing build failures on jenkins
Bug #14011 build/ version_from_git function dumps environment when not in a git repo
Bug #14005 arv-copy will not create a new collection if copied within the same project
Idea #13876 [CLI] arvados-server "status" subcommand
Idea #13875 [CLI] arvados-server "metrics" subcommand
Support #13871 please tag git revisions that result in deployed packages for -dev streams
Bug #13812 arv cli continues to cache broken discovery document
Bug #13795 crunch-dispatch-slurm too polite about killing containers
Bug #13772 Rerunning a container_request that has a failed child CR should restart the failed CR
Bug #13758 [Documentation] Full text search filters page
Bug #13709 [[Proxy]] How to visit API service with proxy?
Bug #16034 ---- bookmark ---
Feature #13688 [API] optional asynchronous flag for create/update operations
Bug #13685 support "kind": "text" for workflow and cwl inputs mounts in a-c-r
Bug #13676 better error dialog for un-allowed repo names
Bug #13630 locking api_client_authorizations for update can deadlock ContainersController#update
Feature #13642 keepstore backend for ceph librados
Feature #13533 option to specify vcpu runtime constraints on arvados-cwl-runner when using --submit
Idea #13574 [Controller] Update container priorities asynchronously
Bug #13515 keepproxy memory usage limit?
Feature #13514 Add arvswitch to shell accounts by default
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #15603 [Workbench 2] Update Fileupload component to new error reporting & unit test architecture 3.0
Bug #13454 [Documentation] Add how to work with IGV and keep
Bug #13422 High cache thrashing should warn the user that their job will take longer than expected
Feature #13372 "trash current collection" button from inside a collection
Bug #13305 keepstore starts returning 401 Unauthorized in the middle of a workflow
Bug #13252 [CWL] RunInSingleContainer requirement errors on DockerRequirement even when no such requirement is specified
Arvados Epics - Idea #13080 Create/upload workflows through Workbench
Bug #13047 Log apiClientAuth UUIDs in keep-web, keepproxy, etc.
Bug #13053 [CWL] discover_secondary_files not processing expressions
Idea #13007 [API] Review Postgres index usage
Feature #12996 [SDKs] CollectionFS should repack highly fragmented files
Feature #12978 Add method uuid() to collections
Bug #12903 arvados-cwl-runner only loads cwl $import directives when run with `--local`
Bug #12873 arvados-cwl-runner does not allow keep locators in command line input arguments
Idea #12868 Rearrange packages so "arv" runs a Go program that shells out to Python/Ruby code only if needed
Bug #12349 [API] Validate container requests "output_path must be in a writable mount"
Feature #12345 [CWL] Use arv-put collection caching for file uploads
Feature #12317 [FUSE] unable to rename a subproject
Feature #12314 [FUSE] Incremental collection subdirectory load
Idea #11171 [Nodemanager] Packaging for compute node setup scripts
Idea #11161 [GA4GH] Support task execution API using crunch v2 containers
Idea #11160 [GA4GH] Expose workflow records via tool registry API
Idea #11159 [GA4GH] Import from tool registry API
Bug #11157 [arv-put] When debug mode is active, report the cache file name being to be used
Bug #11154 [Docs] Migrate install docs from command line flags to YAML configs (keepproxy, keep-web)
Feature #11153 [API] create_token script should allow operator to provide token scopes and opaque comment
Bug #11148 [Crunch2] Propagate dispatch error messages (e.g., sbatch fails) to user via logs/websocket
Idea #11147 Write scalability test which can be used periodically as needed
Feature #11146 [Crunch2] [Workbench] Show slurm queue position of containers submitted to slurm but not yet running 3.0
Bug #11137 apt-get upgrade arvados-api-server on Ubuntu 12.04 did not update crunch-job
Bug #11026 "Run a example test" Button.
Bug #10008 [SDKs] [Python] When reading data through Collection et al., signatures should refresh automatically when needed
Bug #10978 [CWL] Avoid using "+" char in mount paths 0.5
Bug #10955 arvados-cli gem dependency error
Bug #10948 [Workbench] Live stats should use consistent coloring for graphs
Bug #10705 [Crunch2] [API] return a more specific 422 error message when a client calls containers#unlock without having the lock
Idea #10849 [API] [SDKs] When client and server versions differ, the server must either implement the API the client expects, or return an error.
Feature #10830 [Workbench] Support array type input parameters to Workflows
Bug #10809 [Workbench] Don't create manifest with 0 length chunk
Bug #10794 [keepstore] Refactor volume Get/Put funcs to BlockReader/BlockWriter interfaces
Bug #10729 [Crunch2] Propagate error messages if sbatch command succeeds but crunch-run can't run (or can't log to the Arvados API)
Bug #10718 add a --user-script option to install-arvados-jobs-image
Bug #10721 [Docs] Missing docker_image link classes from API docs 0.5
Bug #10715 [Workbench] "Public pipelines" on help menu links to wiki, not local public pipelines
Bug #10708 [Crunch2] crunch-run fails trying to set swappiness on ubuntu 1204 kernel
Bug #10689 Crunch1 jobs should still work on a slurm setup configured for Crunch2
Bug #10650 [Python SDK] Document undocumented methods in RichCollectionBase 0.5
Bug #10566 arvbox destroy fails because some files are owned by root
Bug #10561 sometimes `arvbox reboot test` gets stuck asking for a sudo password
Bug #10552 arvados-git-httpd returns error '500' (Internal Server Error) when a request is not authorized
Bug #10545 arvbox loops forever when something goes wrong
Bug #10543 implement approximate (estimated) counts for API list method
Feature #10541 [Keep] Share buffers between overlapping/consecutive GET requests for the same block 2.0
Bug #10535 test suite hangs (in arvbox) in sdk/python test_callback
Bug #10532 Multiple links with the same relevant information can be created
Bug #10514 [crunch-job] use docker instead of 0.5
Feature #10493 [Python SDK] Provide more control over pre-fetch behavior
Bug #10469 Multiple virtual machines with the same hostname can be created
Bug #10444 [Performance][Workbench] While in a resource #show page, switching between tabs results in fetching the object again from API server. This can cause unacceptable amount of latency for large objects such as large pipeline instances and also to collections.
Bug #10408 4xphq keep balance api request causes oom on api server
Idea #10405 [API] Remove unimplemented fields from api_client_authorization
Idea #10388 Request collections that don't (yet) exist via fuse interface
Idea #10387 Faster downloading using arv-get
Idea #10354 Add varchar_pattern_ops to all relevant PostgreSQL UUID indexes
Bug #10337 remove the need of yum reinstall from the installation/upgrade of Rails based components
Bug #10327 arvados-cwl-runner fails to find secondaryFiles
Bug #10319 [Workbench] list of logins in the admin page isn't showing all logins
Feature #10328 [CWL] a-c-r option to resubmit failed jobs
Feature #10594 [API] [Workbench] Error out when unrecognized keys appear in config files 0.5
Bug #10696 [CWL] Tries to run docker inside container where docker is not available, gives IOError
Feature #10268 [SDK] Convenience method for resolving project/file paths
Idea #10245 [Performance][Workbench] Computing user notifications in topnav is expensive. Can the user's properties be used instead?
Idea #10213 Efficient queries for notification menu items
Bug #10206 [CWL] arvados-cwl-runner may not be handling input files on keep mount correctly
Feature #10191 Arvados should be able to cat/zcat files in collections easily
Bug #10182 Provide more reasonable error messages for memory issues during container dispatch
Bug #10177 Confusing job duration reporting
Feature #10164 Additional Crunch job logging controls
Bug #10127 [API] In each request log entry, report time spent getting current permission graph
Bug #10097 Python RichCollectionbase's find_or_create() method callers may assume that found object is of "create_type" type
Bug #10096 RichCollectionBase's _get_src_target method would crash if "source" argument is not basestring and "target_path" is empty.
Bug #10084 keep-balance reporting large numbers of replicas lost
Idea #10027 Move Container related documentation from wiki to code
Bug #9985 [Testing] TestErrorDuringRsync_FakeDstKeepservers
Bug #9969 [Crunch2] [API] Permit container [request] with empty command (run default docker command)
Feature #9968 [Crunch2] [API] Support container request expiry (expires_at)
Bug #9965 [CWL][Crunch][Crunch2] crunchrunner should ignore hidden directories when uploading to keep
Bug #9870 [FUSE] arv-mount installation documentation not working
Bug #9732 [FUSE] performance issues stat() in python
Idea #9591 [FUSE] Undelete collections by moving them out of the TrashDirectory
Idea #8179 [keep-balance] Refuse to act when planning to delete data above an admin-specified threshold
Bug #9967 [keep-balance] Do not delete blocks referenced by collections with replication_desired=0
Idea #9958 login-sync config file & systemd unit
Idea #9937 [Workbench] file upload should provide progress bar for overall upload, not just individual files
Bug #9936 Workbench file upload should allow the selection of directories
Bug #9929 [SDK] portable_manifest_text() normalizes manifest, breaks CollectionReader() round trip
Bug #9921 [SDKs] Python SDK duplicates resource attributes in top level of params
Feature #3311 [SDKs] Improve metadata created by arv-put
Bug #9755 [CWL] Creating intermediate folders in working directory (fails in cwl-runner)
Bug #9750 [Workbench] UI should advance to new step when user submits their input
Bug #10142 [Workbench] Ability to add group from Groups admin page
Bug #9443 [keep-rsync] Rename "replications" to "replicas" 0.5
Bug #9630 [Crunch2] crunch-dispatch-slurm can't successfully dispatch work when run from a directory it can't write to 0.5
Idea #9278 [Crunch2] Document/fix handling of collections with non-nil expires_at field 1.0
Idea #9592 [FUSE] rmdir on CollectionDirectory sets expires_at
Idea #9590 [FUSE] Trash directory to list, inspect, and un-trash trashed collections
Idea #9584 [FUSE] Don't display expiring collections in regular collection listings
Feature #9245 [FUSE] Make .arvados#collection available in collection subdirectories
Bug #9244 [FUSE] .arvados#collection is missing or outdated after writing inside collection
Arvados Epics - Idea #16082 Port client tools to Go
Arvados Epics - Idea #9053 Port API server to Go
Bug #8317 [Provenance Tracking] jobs refer to collections by uuids, not pdh
Bug #8254 Add Gantt chart for pipeline optimization
Bug #7977 get rid of dependencies python-pyasn1 python-pyasn1-modules
Bug #8669 [SDKs] PySDK fails to load CAs for SSL verification when run inside Conda
Bug #8148 [FUSE] When we give up trying to write a block, the next operation on the file should fail
Idea #8774 [Crunch] Limit maximum wait time between retries
Bug #8315 [SDKs] arv-copy fails to copy a Docker image specified with repo:tag syntax 0.5
Bug #8346 [API] Bad compute node address detection on private networks
Bug #8388 [SDKs] WebSocketClient Exception 'NoneType' object is not callable 0.5
Idea #7831 [FUSE] Add --umask, --fmask, --dmask options to control file permissions 1.0
Bug #9141 [SDKs] Bad use of RetryLoop in
Bug #7156 [SDK] arvados.arvfile.readall_decompressed() does not return all blocks on a file
Bug #8387 [Docs] Many tutorial instructions are wrong outside Curoverse clusters
Idea #8781 [Docs/Workbench] Document how to clone repositories over HTTPS
Idea #8775 [Docs/Workbench] Improve SSH agent documentation
Idea #8885 [PySDK] API client logs a warning when you create an object without an owner_uuid
Bug #8638 [API] List queries using "distinct" option return incorrect number of items_available
Bug #6772 [API] Should not be necessary to host git repos on the same host as API server 2.0
Feature #8163 [FUSE] arv-mount should detect and log any files/dirs that are still open after unmounting
Idea #7621 [API] Job model validates that the script exists in the repository at script_version 1.0
Idea #9428 [SDKs] Port arv-keepdocker to use the docker-py library
Idea #9045 [SDKs] `arv keep docker` can upload an image already saved as .tar
Idea #9147 [SDKs] `arv keep docker` can make links for an image already in a collection
Idea #3897 [SDKs] Clients can specify which auth config file to load. 0.5
Feature #8212 [SDKs] arv CLI program accepts "-" and "/path/to/file" as values for parameters that expect JSON (most notably the "body" parameter) 0.5
Bug #7312 [API] CSS+images missing on login_failure.html
Bug #7880 [Crunch] crunch-dispatch should run the bundled version of crunch-job specified by Gemfile.lock 0.5
Bug #8195 [API] [Workbench] config:check catches and reports YAML parsing errors
Bug #8121 [CRUNCH] Fail gracefully when arvados repo doesn't exists
Feature #7024 [Keep] keepstore status.json should report runtime environment
Bug #7008 [Workbench] Crashes with Fiddlesticks when trying to view a pipeline instance graph copied from another cluster 0.5
Feature #5846 [Workbench] [Fiddlesticks] Live job log should show recent history 2.0
Feature #3734 [Keep] Keepstore and keepproxy support HTTP Range requests 2.0
Feature #8228 [SDKs] [FUSE] Python SDK and arv-mount use Range requests when a caller requests part of a block that has been ejected from the cache 2.0
Feature #7127 [API] Job log cleaner should not clean logs when the job's log is the empty collection
Bug #7600 [Crunch] Unhelpful translation of script parameter outside script_parameters 1.0
Bug #7418 [SDKs] Unhelpful 404 stack trace when trying to arv-copy a collection without access
Bug #6780 [git] "git clone https://..." with a bogus token should respond 4xx, not 5xx 0.5
Bug #7725 [Keep-store] make keep-store lookup token at runtime like keep-proxy does 1.0
Bug #6968 [SDKs] arv-copy continues copying when a collection's content address is wrong, but warns and exits a special code 2.0
Bug #7400 [Workbench] node visibility as admin vs ordinary user does not line up
Bug #7120 [Keep] keepproxy should log real IP address 0.5
Bug #7129 [Documentation] RVM and passenger recipes are missing details 0.5
Bug #6883 [Deployment] should set up git_repositories_dir
Bug #7170 [Documentation] Various small bugs in the CLI SDK install guide
Bug #7356 [Documentation] Various small bugs in the install guide
Idea #8331 [Documentation] Clarify PostgreSQL setup commands for Software Collections users 0.5
Bug #8621 [Wiki] Clean up Computation_and_Pipeline_Processing page
Bug #7342 [Documentation] Install guide explains a few different deployment options 2.0
Bug #7230 [Documentation] FUSE documentation should note granting FUSE permissions 0.5
Bug #6919 [Documentation] Make keepproxy install guide follow nginx conventions 0.5
Feature #9017 [Tests] Make slow tests optional (e.g., --short)
Bug #7166 [API] specifying an invalid filter should result in an error
Bug #6992 [API] Support numeric filter comparisons for numeric fields
Idea #9150 [API] Synthetic collections include the "kind" field
Bug #7184 [Deployment] Test distribution packages
Bug #8538 [Workbench/API] Does not derive key name from comments with whitespace
Bug #9143 [API] Trying to update a collection by PDH raises a NoMethodError
Bug #6240 [API] "order" params should be rejected or used (not silently ignored) even when they reference columns missing from the "select" param 0.5
Bug #7695 [API] Accept collection UUID as a job's docker_image constraint 0.5
Idea #9148 [API] Finalize and document the collections/provenance and collections/used_by API calls
Bug #7232 [Keep] keepstore should notify sysadmin about error conditions (trying harder than just log.Print())
Bug #4730 [SDKs] Remove ruby dependency from arv wrapper
Bug #4431 [SDKs] arv-copy should not require --dst-git-repo when copying on the same cluster 0.5
Bug #6276 [SDKs] Python Keep block-r/w errors should indicate which collection/file was unreadable/unwritable as a result 1.0
Idea #6387 [SDKs] arv-put progress meter scales based on file size, rather than being fixed to MiB
Bug #6959 [SDKs] arv-copy raises an unexpected backtrace on ^C
Bug #8065 Out of memory when using arv-copy not handled gracefully
Feature #8379 [SDKs] Recursive arv-copy should report progress of the entire copy, in addition to individual objects
Idea #7476 [SDKs] Ensure `arv keep put` replicates properly
Idea #7477 [SDKs] Go Keep client enforces a minimum transfer rate for proxy connections
Idea #7473 [FUSE] [SDKs] Ensure FUSE and other SDK clients work with a default replication level != 2
Feature #8502 [SDKs] Fetch all results with the CLI `list` command
Feature #8213 [SDKs] arv get (and edit) should support a flag that suppresses display of non-writable attributes like "status" and "writable_by" 1.0
Feature #8501 [SDKs] Add client-side join switches to `arv foo list`
Feature #8498 [SDKs] GoSDK arvadosclient parameters are more transparent
Idea #8838 [SDKs] PySDK Collection class lets you iterate files and subcollections separately
Idea #8780 [SDKs] Git credentials helper in CLI tools
Idea #8022 [SDKs] CLI tools install tab completion aids
Idea #7394 [SDKs] arv-copy copies all metadata associated with an object
Bug #9144 [SDKs] Can't `arv get` a collection by PDH
Bug #7385 [Workbench] Pagination sets limit on last page, causing unintended side effects
Bug #6439 [Workbench] Copying jobs causes "SubmitIdReused" error if submit_id is not null 0.5
Bug #7002 [Workbench] workbench move and copy is incomplete
Bug #7003 [Workbench] warn user when navigation will cause input text to be lost
Bug #6363 [Workbench] Visible blanking between partial content reloads
Bug #6601 [API] Do not accept an empty SSH key as valid 0.5
Bug #6921 [SDKs] `arv create` creates an object from an empty file 0.5
Idea #8058 [Documentation] Add Gitolite sanity check to install guide
Bug #8873 [Docs] file_names Collection field is undocumented
Idea #8328 [Deployment] .yml.example files should be consistent 0.5
Bug #7158 [Documentation] Document installing the PySDK at a different PREFIX 0.5
Bug #6886 [Documentation] A user with an older install may land in a page that requires the "latest" prerequisites.
Idea #7471 [SDKs] Provide a CLI tool to add files to an existing collection
Idea #7472 [SDKs] Provide a CLI tool to remove files from a collection
Bug #7141 [API] Advertise anonymous token in discovery document
Feature #7845 [Crunch] Crunchstat and arv-mount print final stats before exiting 1.0
Bug #7100 [Workbench] Reusing ArvadosResourceList results in inconsistent results
Idea #7439 [SDKs] CLI tools support Mac
Idea #6783 [Performance] Compare Collection performance benchmarks across components
Feature #6782 [API] [Workbench] Generate debconf template from config yaml
Bug #6762 [FUSE][Performance] Job to md5sum 1TiB of 1MiB files in parallel is very slow
Idea #7474 [FUSE] Add a --replication switch
Idea #6570 [DRAFT] [Workbench] More encouragement for users to send feedback
Bug #6606 [Workbench] Provide a GUI interface to arv-copy
Bug #6599 [SDKs] Whenever `arv` has an invalid resource name argument, it should complain about that 0.5
Feature #6574 [Workbench] [Webshell] Rough edges in web shell 2.0
Bug #6677 [Workbench] Anonymous user is listed in the "Share with users" popup when anonymous viewing is disabled, while "Share with groups" popup omits the anonymous group
Idea #5914 [DRAFT] Provide one clear way for users to get data from an external source into Arvados
Idea #6405 [Workbench] Allow additional curation of the public projects listing
Feature #6348 [Deployment] [Documentation] Minimize system-wide dependencies for compute node setup 1.0
Bug #6318 [SDKs] Go SDK locator regexp (and its tests) should agree with the documented format 0.5
Feature #6310 [FUSE] Support scaling the internal block cache based on number of open files
Idea #6307 [Workbench] Public project listing should exclude subprojects 0.5
Bug #6274 [API] [Workbench] Home project should be a real object (group with group_class="project"), not current_user. 2.0
Bug #6175 [Workbench] Add social sharing buttons to public projects [and other data?] 1.0
Bug #6174 [Workbench] Propagate old search engine meta tags in sync with Open Graph data 0.5
Bug #6173 [Workbench] Make public data crawlable
Bug #6172 [Workbench] Breadcrumbs can occupy multiple rows when the screen is narrow 0.5
Bug #6130 [Workbench] Support searching collections by their collection name
Idea #6642 [API] Include a mechanism to automatically trust some clients
Bug #6076 [API] walk api server installations and ensure modified_at for collections is unique + ensure modified_at is enforced to be unique at the api level.
Bug #6020 [Workbench] The collection information box values for content address and content size should be updated automatically after new file(s) are added via browser upload.
Feature #5962 [Keep] Use bufferpool in keepproxy to limit memory use when there are many concurrent PUTs 1.0
Bug #5952 Slow to log-in to Workbench
Bug #5947 [Workbench] Provide additional guidance to users running their first pipeline
Bug #5946 [Workbench] "other collections have the same content" page is confusing
Bug #5901 [API] Improve performance of large requests in parallel
Bug #5896 [FUSE] Ensure all I/O errors properly distinguish "not found" and other API errors
Bug #5523 [Crunch] crunchstat should not report errors during normal timing races 0.5
Feature #5782 [Workbench] Support entering boolean script_parameters when editing a pipeline instance 0.5
Feature #5767 [API] Websockets subscribe API should accept a start timestamp, so clients don't have to miss any events logged between the given start time and websocket connection success. 1.0
Bug #5841 [Workbench] Link to script sources on github when repository is a github url 0.5
Bug #5743 [Workbench] Replace type-specific #index pages with generic code 2.5
Idea #6058 [Workbench] Provide a guided workflow to new users who want to upload data and run a public pipeline 2.5
Bug #5713 [FUSE] File access sometimes takes too long on su92l
Bug #5820 [Workbench] Missing link target in iframe error message 0.5
Bug #5669 [Workbench] Make Dashboard contents filterable
Feature #5668 [Workbench] Favorite projects, pipelines, collections
Bug #5667 [Workbench] Indicate related pipeline instances
Bug #5665 [Workbench] Link to log from pipeline and/or job summary page
Bug #5614 [Workbench] 504 error returned when trying to create a large new collection
Bug #5235 [Workbench] Pipeline instance "Re-run with latest" button occasionally returns Not found page
Feature #5778 [FUSE] Support efficient copy at command line 2.0
Feature #4835 [Workbench] Log Graph - Feature requests
Feature #5415 [Workbench] Improve presentation of anonymously-viewed collections (via both "sharing link" and regular copy-and-pasted Location) 2.5
Idea #5624 [API] [Workbench] [Performance] Use object caching to improvement performance (such as memcache).
Bug #5560 [DRAFT] [API] Good API for accessing the old_ and new_attributes in Logs table properties column 2.0
Idea #5621 [Documentation] Improve SDK documentation
Feature #5582 [API] [Workbench] Add read-only ("locked") flag to projects 2.0
Feature #5495 [Workbench] Change "recent pipelines" to curated selection of "public pipelines"
Feature #5459 [Crunch] Job logs include node-level resource usage statistics (cpu, ram, swap, etc)
Idea #5428 [Tests] Enhance keep testing to support signed locators. 2.0
Bug #5127 [Docs] Note apt key information in Python package READMEs
Bug #5327 [SDK] CLI tools should catch socket errors like "Connection refused" 0.5
Feature #5201 [SDKs] arv-put --description X --properties P should set respective attrs on new collection. 0.5
Bug #4957 [SDKs] arv keep put blows up when trying to put a danging symlink 0.5
Bug #5451 [Documentation] Fix Go SDK comments so they look reasonable in godoc 0.5
Feature #5138 [SDKs] arv-run-pipeline-instance should accept project and title parameters 0.5
Feature #5245 [Documentation] Show footer with date last updated 0.5
Bug #3625 [Workbench] API token provided in query string should not be ignored just because the session already has a token. 0.5
Feature #5439 [Tests] Provide a docker image, based on puppet/packer process, that can run the entire test suite quickly.
Feature #5316 [DRAFT] [Workbench] Browse change history for records
Feature #5284 [Docker] Auto setup as much as possible for new users
Feature #5391 [SDK] Go KeepClient offers a "read block" API that recovers from transmission errors by attempting alternate servers.
Bug #5541 [Workbench] Buttons should have consistent ctrl-click and right-click behavior
Bug #5147 [Docker] Make API server root URL in discovery document easier to resolve 0.5
Bug #5307 [Workbench] Additional settings for ssh/config from Manage Account page 0.5
Feature #5296 [Workbench] Extend Sharing tab to collections
Feature #5259 [Tests] Reduce dependency on integration tests 2.0
Feature #5193 [Workbench] Public project page should encourage visitors to try using Arvados themselves 1.0
Bug #5134 [SDKs] CLI tools fail or warn when current working directory is gone
Feature #5139 [SDKs] arv-get should support getting multiple files by shell glob
Feature #5097 [SDKs] CLI tools support project paths in addition to uuids 2.0
Idea #4744 [Workbench] Merge "user agreement" and "required profile fields" into a single page 2.0
Bug #5025 [Docker] Make it easy to add data from the host system to containers
Bug #4358 [Tests] When comparing pipelines, the graph should highlight the differences by using different colors for pipeline A/B/both. 0.5
Bug #5021 [Workbench] Page for downloading collections with anonymous sharing link does not have any styling.
Feature #4906 [Documentation/FUSE] Document '.arvados#collection' in shell VM keep mount
Bug #4771 [Workbench] Collection content hash should stay up-to-date (e.g., while uploading files) 0.5
Bug #4767 [API] Discovery doc should fix its incorrect "list" method description to be identical to "index" 0.5
Feature #4579 [Documentation] Run-command docs should remind user how & why to exit non-zero on failure. 0.5
Bug #4669 [SDKs] arv-put should assume --no-resume when --raw is given 0.5
Feature #4647 [Workbench] Projects dropdown should have a free text filter box 0.5
Feature #4530 [Workbench] Show more (earlier) log entries for a running job 2.0
Idea #4566 [Documentation] Introduce compute workflow / pipeline concepts in user guide 1.0
Feature #4508 [Documentation] Best practices for getting the most out of job re-use 1.0
Feature #4531 [Documentation] Set of introductory tutorials each focused on accomplishing a simple task 2.0
Feature #4650 [API] API method and CLI shortcut for refreshing the signatures on some block locators (without creating a collection) 0.5
Idea #4919 [API] Arvados clients can use standard OAuth2 protocol instead of custom token handling mechanism 2.0
Feature #4502 [SDKs] "arv recent [objectType]" lists recently modified objects 1.0
Feature #4302 [Crunch] Pipelines should not fail immediately after one job failure, but continue running as much as possible
Feature #4404 [API] [SDKs] Include provenance information for uploaded Collections
Idea #4350 [Workbench] Order by Collections "Name" column puts "folders" (collections containing files) at the top
Feature #4349 [SDKs] When editing a template in arv-edit and faced with a parse error, when trying again, it should automatically take you to the line/column of the error
Bug #4175 [API] API method and interface to check if a bugfix is deployed on a cluster 2.0
Feature #4343 [SDKs] arv create needs --project-uuid and --name parameters for appropriate classes
Idea #4237 [Documentation] Update and expand user/tutorials/tutorial-keep-mount.html to show practical ways of finding data via FUSE mount. 1.0
Feature #4193 [SDK] Make arv keep docker smarter about storing docker layers, thus making uploads of changed images (much) faster 2.0
Idea #4255 [SDKs] Implement "arv keep less" and "arv keep check" natively instead of hoping whless and whcheck are installed. 1.0
Feature #3964 [SDKs] Command-line diagnostic suite reveals problems on a shell VM (e.g., arv-mount, SDK version skew) 1.0
Bug #3817 [API] Discovery document schema does not include generated fields like job dependencies 1.0
Feature #3892 [SDKs] Install man pages for CLI tools (auto generate from the --help content) 2.0
Bug #9980 [CLI] Trailing blank lines in ~/.config/arvados/settings.conf should be ignored
Feature #7237 arv-copy ergonomics
Bug #7111 Test arv-copy
Feature #9661 collection update performance improvement
Idea #9044 [Crunch2] [Workbench] Browse and show tools using the GA4GH tool registry API
Feature #9541 [Keep] Handle HEAD requests without allocating a data buffer
Feature #9282 [SDK] Go SDK provides method to get paged results from list queries
Feature #9255 [keep] drain mode for a keepstore service
Idea #9263 [SDK] Go version of arv-put & arv-get
Idea #9217 [SDKs] Define and document Python events interface
Feature #8754 [Tests] Add code-checking tools to CI test pipeline
Feature #8457 [Keep] Shuffle top N keep servers to balance reads
Feature #9262 [API] Associate admin privileges with token instead of user account
Idea #7932 [Keep] keepproxy aggregates and reports volume IDs from Keepstores
Idea #7930 [SDKs] GoSDK KeepClient considers volume IDs when replicating
Feature #6468 Move arvados-mailchimp-plugin to a public repo
Feature #6009 should try to download the file if available
Feature #5960 [API] Support transactional update of collections by multiple writers
Feature #5941 When creating a new collection that is a subset of a previous collection, the source information should have some sort of description
Idea #3094 No UI to edit runtime constraints for draft container requests
Feature #8569 [Crunch2] Impure mount from host fs
Feature #8570 [Crunch2] Impure access to object store
Idea #14467 [SDK] Merge Go ArvadosClient and arvados.Client and migrate to arvados.Client
Feature #15681 wb2 workflows run in "Workflow runs" project by default
Idea #15730 [Workbench 2] Implement UI for new group permission scheme 4.0
Arvados Epics - Idea #15958 Workbench2 federated browsing
Idea #16431 Write draft of stories / requirements / ideas for accessing external data
Bug #16344 Better logging of token rejection
Feature #16161 easy aggregate metrics with prometheus
Idea #16664 Remove legacy config loading
Feature #16800 PAM sets Arvados environment vars
Feature #16389 [k8s] add support for Amazon EKS
Idea #17272 Doc site feedback
Feature #17313 [Documentation] improve federation documentation
Feature #17327 Go codegen for reading/writing CWL
Support #16058 wiki
Feature #17993 [deduplication-report] supports storage classes
Idea #17953 [api] Remove unused "node" object
Feature #18464 Batch update endpoint for permission changes
Bug #18724 Collection file_names should contain full paths for substring matching
Idea #18998 keepstore ability to check token validity for uploads
Bug #19081 Possible bug passing cmd line arguments with spaces to singularity
Bug #18996 Container request's expires_at field
Idea #18973 Test combinations of federation scenarios
Bug #19276 email users when events happen
Feature #15250 a-c-r set TTL on final output collection
Bug #19274 Advanced search should have full set of selectable columns
Bug #19891 Move project dialog not sized correctly
Bug #19048 Copying a folder in collection file browser results in empty folder
Feature #19871 Rendering user names in project columns
Feature #19887 Include modified_by_user_uuid in project details
Feature #18563 Simplify/streamline InternalURLs/ExternalURL situation
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #19584 Can we use better terms for a group_filter and projects
Support #19859 Review/update development process wiki page
Support #13418 Python SDK must have docstrings for all public interfaces
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19585 When filtering objects in project listing when in "Share with Me" project - filtering to just see virtual projects doesn't seem to work
Support #19873 Document ~/.config/arvados/settings.conf
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #19713 Misleading 'Too large file' error message on file upload
Bug #17584 Permission dialog should indicate that permissions are inherited
Bug #19238 Users deactivated externally show up as "Setup" instead of "Inactive", due to cached permissions?
Idea #19633 UX redesign ideas
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #16071 [Collection view] Provenance, used by for collections
Idea #19612 Frozen project UI follow-up improvements
Idea #18997 ability to migrate arvbox to arvados-server boot dev mode
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #19387 Support picking workflows uploaded as collections with type: workflow.
Feature #19386 --create-workflow creates or updates collection with metadata
Bug #19838 Update help text on docs for CLI tools
Bug #19817 `keyset_list_all` name is unintuitive
Feature #17477 document arv-bash 0.5
Bug #19303 Check salt formula's login-sync cron job setup. 1.0
Bug #10445 Fix memory leak in Python SDK Collection class 2.0
Bug #19299 ArvadosClientAuthorization#list doesn't honor filtering by owner_uuid 1.0
Bug #19782 Empty user created emails 1.0
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #19885 Collapse middle breadcrumbs with ellipse when window too narrow 3.0
Feature #19970 a-c-r should refuse to run if git has locally modified files 0.5
Idea #19977 Update tests to run with a strict vocabulary 1.0
Idea #19832 Re-work picking dialog into 3 panel view 8.0
Idea #19843 arv-federation-migrate supports LoginCluster type migrations 2.0
Idea #19578 Update wb2 Use Cases and Personas 2.0
Idea #19463 Redesign process info panel 5.0
Support #19622 Upgrade notes includes links to patches of what changed in install templates between versions 0.5
Feature #17172 Stale-while-revalidate caching strategy for requests 3.0
Bug #17157 Workbench should have all collection updates result in new versions
Bug #17153 Displays "Your project is empty." instead of "Nothing matched the search" when a search doesn't find anything
Bug #16933 [login federation] post-trashing collection UX bug
Bug #16932 [login federation] trashing collections: snackbar issues
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #16225 Issues with interactively deleting project from Workbench 2 from Project Browser
Bug #16931 [login federation] Not Found modal when looking at trashed collection
Feature #16975 Direct navigation to federated objects
Bug #16119 display lingers after error
Bug #16123 Browsing trash produces spurious errors
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #16065 Navigate to the newly created collection when extracting files from an existing one
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #16969 User with can_manage access can drop own permissions by making "private"
Feature #17510 Create filter group based on an advanced search query in the UI
Arvados Workbench 2 - Bug #16063 Enhance share popup dialog design
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #14273 [Navigation] Notification system (process end, shared with someone)
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #13677 [Workbench] System status information
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #13978 [Data operation] Outputs expiry (collection view)
Arvados Workbench 2 - Feature #13778 [Data operations] Details panel - activity tab
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #14435 [Navigation] Investigation - Notification system 3.0
Idea #15834 [docs] Document admin user management features of workbench2
Arvados Workbench 2 - Support #14814 [Data operations] Missing info in the sharing page
Arvados Workbench 2 - Idea #14214 [Workbench] Show expand icons only for expandable tree nodes
Idea #18516 run Theia interactively for development on shell and/or compute nodes
Feature #20385 Dispatcher aggregates local keepstore usage on compute nodes
Feature #20383 Monitoring that gives list of compute containers that don't seem to be making progress
Idea #20435 CWL user guide release
Feature #20994 Design feature to incorporate custom panels into collection and project view
Feature #21307 Can configure webshell link to point to user's webshell provider instead of our shellinabox
Feature #21374 Convention for providing per-file metadata in properties
Feature #21373 Grouping in data table views
Feature #19637 Recursive delete of workflow & associated intermediates
Feature #21460 spot instance reclamation is triggers "at capacity" cooloff
Idea #21813 s3_to_keep() and keep_to_s3() methods in Python SDK
Bug #21300 RequestTimeout not honored
Feature #22015 Cumulative storage usage for a container & children
Idea #16055 User guide update planning
Bug #21302 Container created with corrupted mounts