


Development 2024-10-09 sprint

Due in 3 days (10/09/2024) (Sprint start date 09/25/2024)


90 issues   (22 closed68 open)

Development 2024-10-09 sprint

Arvados Contributor Wiki

This wiki has information related to the open source project.

Note: some of the information on this wiki, particularly the platform overview, is somewhat out of date. The main Arvados site and the Arvados documentation site have the most up-to-date official documentation.

Platform Overview

Using Arvados


Contributing and hacking

Key Components


Archived pages

Issues by










Related issues
# Subject Story Points
Feature #22159 Refactor Data-Explorer and renderers.tsx
Bug #22155 Misc layout bugs
Bug #22154 group contents API returns "kind: arvados#object" for User objects in "include: owner_uuid" instead of "arvados#user"
Bug #21838 Project picker search resets
Bug #22141 Picking dialog collection search is very slow
Bug #22153 Workflow picker resets on item selection
Bug #22075 documentation includes allow list of html tags in Workbench
Bug #22083 Output collection file list on process page spins forever if the output collection is missing.
Bug #22143 Process page crash
Bug #22135 Project view's loading indicator sometimes present on empty projects
Feature #21912 Adjust selection color on project panel tabs
Feature #22045 Project/collection/file picker search shows parent projects
Feature #22046 Picker understands UUID and PDH search
Bug #22162 Support mknod() for regular files
Support #16417 Salt installer includes setting up log aggregation with loki
Bug #21999 Support compute nodes with /tmp mounted with "noexec" flag
Feature #22008 Review github PR #247 Support setting replication level at destination in arv-copy options
Feature #22009 Review github PR #249 More robust handling of storage-class options
Bug #21302 Container created with corrupted mounts
Support #22064 Draft 3.0 release notes
Idea #21843 3.0 release hightlights blog post draft
Bug #22084 Release Arvados 3.0
Bug #22168 gofuse: support mknod() for regular files
Bug #22132 Adjust scheduling status display based on feedback
Bug #21314 a-d-c should cancel a container if it can't be loaded
Feature #20756 Support crunchstat tracking and memory limits with singularity 2.0
Bug #21750 crunch-run singularity port forwarding test fails on debian 12
Bug #22163 determine why containerd 1.7.22 fails bind mounts with arv-mount output directory
Bug #22115 Collection's versions browser at the right-side bar is not accesible on the collection viewer
Bug #22050 Pid() did not return a process ID (bug in singularity support?)
Feature #22134 Define RailsAPI's required environment variables in nginx configuration