

Sarah Zaranek

  • Login: szaranek
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  • Registered on: 09/11/2015
  • Last connection: 12/05/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 11 24 35
Reported issues 85 37 122


Project Roles Registered on
Arvados Genomics Benchmark Manager 12/10/2015
Lightning Manager 02/08/2017
Tapestry Manager 01/15/2019
Arvados Manager 09/11/2015
Arvados Epics Manager 01/02/2020
Arvados Workbench 2 Manager, Hacker, Reporter, Hacker+ 09/20/2022



04:01 PM Arvados Feature #22338: Ideas for updating info panel for collections
Also add missing information like "linked to process" which might be phrased better. Shown in header but not info pa... Sarah Zaranek
03:59 PM Arvados Feature #22338 (New): Ideas for updating info panel for collections
Example here of low hanging fruit: Sarah Zaranek


05:26 PM Arvados Feature #22297 (New): Make progress bar smaller
Progress bar for status of subprocesses is very long for no reason. A smaller bar should satisfy the same requirement... Sarah Zaranek
05:15 PM Arvados Feature #22296 (New): Consider moving information from hover over in progres bar to static text
For the progress bar for listing subprocess statuses, it is rare that one would know to hover over this plot. I would... Sarah Zaranek
05:13 PM Arvados Bug #22295 (New): Green is used for options for coloring cluster name when preforming search
Green should be reserved only for use for indicating things like a completed run. Similar to red being used for erro... Sarah Zaranek
03:15 PM Arvados Feature #22294 (New): Allow for specified order for metadata pairs
Customer request as well as would be useful if we decide not to show all pairs in WB2.
Allow for specified order f...
Sarah Zaranek


09:44 PM Arvados Feature #19744: Run crunchstat automatically from workflow runner
Also a range selector --
might be nice
Sarah Zaranek
09:26 PM Arvados Feature #19744: Run crunchstat automatically from workflow runner
To fix the legend issue:
You can add this to options:
labelsSeparateLines: true,
And probably want to make it ...
Sarah Zaranek


05:42 PM Arvados Idea #21089: Release Arvados 2.7.1
It might be ok, the internal icon is 16x24 which is the same as the trashcan but the copy is 24 x 24 perhaps that is ... Sarah Zaranek
05:37 PM Arvados Idea #21089: Release Arvados 2.7.1
Move to icon looks smooshed relative to other icons and the material UI move to icon -- I think you are using the inp... Sarah Zaranek

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