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Phil Hodgson, 04/05/2014 11:41 AM


Overriding Default Views, Partials, Templates, etc.

It is possible to override any Rails view in the application by mimicking the directory structure in app/views but under another folder site_specific/app/views. For example, to use your own version of _dashboard.html.erb in app/views/pages you would put it in site_specific/app/views/pages.

You can override the #{Rails.root}/site_specific folder itself with the environment variable TAPESTRY_OVERRIDE_PATH, so that the folder can be left entirely outside of the Tapestry code base.

It is important to understand that including this folder, any subfolders, and all files is optional. If you do not wish to override a particular view, leave it out of the override folder.

Updated by Phil Hodgson over 10 years ago · 2 revisions