Idea #19633
Updated by Peter Amstutz over 2 years ago
Redesign points
* Hamburger button to hide left nav entirely.
* New item "Summary" or "Overview" which is like the wb1 dashboard that shows stuff that's happened recently
* New item "Search" which presents a faceted search UI
* "Projects" renamed to "Home project" and no longer expands to tree
* "Shared with me" no longer expands to tree
* "Public favorites" and "My favorites" *do* expand, but just one level
* Add Virtual machines to the left nav
* Add a "Settings" item and put "ssh keys", "my account" and "link account" under it
* Add a "admin" item with "users" and "groups"
So the left nav would be something like this:
* Overview
* Search
* Projects
** Home
** My favorites
** Public favorites
** Shared with me
** Trash
* All processes
* Shell accounts (previously: Virtual machines)
* Settings
** SSH Keys
** My Account
** Link account
* Admin
** Users
** Groups