


Idea #5334

Updated by Sarah Guthrie almost 10 years ago

Purpose is to return Return list of VCF/gVCF-formatted variations from reference for a callset. We might want to consider implementing this for a group of callsets rather than just one. 

 POST /callsets/{callset-name}/gvcf 
 Requires a request containing information about the loci to return. Returns a list of gVCF lines for the callset at these loci. 

 Request body:  
         'loci' : [ <Locus>, <Locus>, ... ] OR { <string> : <Locus>, <string> : <Locus>, ... } 

 Response body:  
         (<string>, <Locus>) OR <Locus> : [ 
         (<string>, <Locus>) OR <Locus> : [ 

 POST /callsets/{callset-name}/vcf  
 Requires a request containing information about the loci to return. Returns a list of VCF lines for the callset at these loci. 

 Request body:  
         'loci' : [ <Locus>, <Locus>, ... ] OR { <string> : <Locus>, <string> : <Locus>, ... }, 

 Response body:  
         (<string>, <Locus>) OR <Locus> : [ 
         (<string>, <Locus>) OR <Locus> : [ 
     } samples specified in call (or all samples)
