


Idea #15372

Updated by Tom Morris almost 5 years ago

From a customer: 

 >When When I share a project with a user and give her manage permissions she can see the sharing page in wb2 and open the sharing dialog in wb2 ... when i change this to write she cannot see and change the sharing anymore but still read and write within the project. I think this is the behavior which was expected in our current release.  

 Now I remove her as user, add a group where she is member of, and give it write permissions. She cannot see and change the sharing but can read and write within the project ... expected behavior ... when changing the permissions to manage, however nothing changes .... she still cannot see and change the sharing but read and write within the project. My expectation was that giving manage permission to a user directly or to a group with this user as member does not make any difference. 

 This Can you reproduce this behavior is reported to be consistent between Workbench 1 and Workbench 2. 
 on your end?  
