


Arvados Summit Fall 2021 » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Sarah Zaranek, 08/09/2021 01:04 PM) → Revision 10/16 (Sarah Zaranek, 08/09/2021 01:17 PM)

h1. arv-con 2021 

 h2. Who 
 Current and perspective users of Arvados 

 h2 When 

 arv-con will be late September/early October 

 h2. Where 
 and be focused on gathering current/prospective Arvados users. The conference will be virtual.  

 h2. What 
 Tentative topics would be  

 * Brief Introduction of Arvados and Arvados Features  
 * Updates on Arvados and Showcasing of New and "Beta" Features 
 * Presentations of Current Arvados Users and their Work 
 * Discussion of the Arvados roadmap 
 * Breakout Sessions on conference members selected topics 

 h2. Code of Conduct 

 This event, like all Arvados events, will be subject to the Arvados Code Of Conduct.