


Manual testing plan » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Peter Amstutz, 02/04/2020 05:48 PM) → Revision 6/12 (Peter Amstutz, 02/04/2020 05:48 PM)

h1. Manual testing plan 

 h2. Workbench1 & Workbench2 

 h2. Groups 

 # Create group 
 # Log in as non-admin user. 
 # Log in as a second non-admin user in a private window for testing sharing. 
 # check that users cannot see one another 
 # Add user to group 
 # Check that users can see one another 

 h3. Collections 

 # Create a collection & upload a file 
 # Add a file 
 # Rename a file 
 # Remove a file 
 # Download one of the files 
 # Make a sharing link to the collection & check usage from private window 
 # Mark collection as a favorite, check that it shows up in favorites 
 # Rename collection 
 # Edit description 
 # Add property 
 # Search for collection by property 
 # Search for collection by name 
 # Search for collection by filename 
 # Search for collection by keyword in description 
 # Trash collection 
 # Check that collection can be found in the trash 
 # Untrash collection 

 h2. Projects 

 # Create a project 
 # Rename a project 
 # Edit description 
 # Create a collection inside the project 
 # Move a collection into the project 
 # Add read-only sharing permission to the project & check access from other user 
 # Add read-write sharing permission to project    & check access from other user 
 # Add manage sharing permission to project    & check access from other user 
 # Make project as favorite, check that it shows up in favorites 
 # Search for project by name 
 # Search for project by keyword in description 
 # Trash project 
 # Check that project can be found in the trash 
 # Untrash project 

 h2. Workflows 

 # Upload workflow with arvados-cwl-runnner --create-workflow 
 # Browse workflow 
 # Select workflow to run 
 # Choose input file 
 # Watch it run 
 ## Check logging 
 ## Check live updates 
 ## Check links to input & output 
 # Check that it shows up on dashboard, All Processes 
 # Check graph for the container request 
 # check graph on the input collection ("used by") 
 # check graph on output collection ("provenance") 

 h2. Misc 

 # As admin, create a "public favorite" and make sure users see it. 
 # As admin, deactivate a user. Make sure that user can't log back in 
 # Add a cluster for multi-site search. 
 # Upload ssh key & check view 
 # Create git repo & check view 
 # As admin, add virtual machine access & check view