Idea #21935
Updated by Brett Smith 5 months ago
* @arvados.cache@ has a single class, merge it into @arvados.api@. (I believe we can maintain backwards compatibility by saying @cache = api@ inside @arvados/
* Ditto @arvados.safeapi@.
* Move the following modules wholesale into @arvados._internal@, removing leading underscore as needed:
** @arvados.diskcache@
** @arvados.http_to_keep@
** @arvados.retry@
** @arvados.timer@ (maybe just move this class to @arvados._internal@ since it's so small?)
** @arvados._normalize_stream@
** @arvados._pycurlhelper@
** @arvados._ranges@
* In @arvados.util@:
** @deprecated@ moves to @arvados._internal@
** All the @_BaseDir*@ classes move to @arvados._internal.basedirs@