Keep storage tiers » History » Version 4
Tom Clegg, 05/01/2017 06:13 PM
1 | 1 | Tom Clegg | h1. Keep storage tiers |
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3 | 2 | Tom Clegg | Typically, an Arvados cluster has access to multiple storage devices with different cost/performance trade-offs. |
4 | 1 | Tom Clegg | |
5 | Examples: |
6 | * Local SSD |
7 | * Local HDD |
8 | * Object storage service provided by cloud vendor |
9 | * Slower or less reliable object storage service provided by same cloud vendor |
10 | 2 | Tom Clegg | |
11 | Users should be able to specify a minimum storage tier for each collection. Arvados should ensure that every data block referenced by a collection is stored at the specified tier _or better_. |
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13 | The cluster administrator should be able to specify a default tier, and assign a tier number to each storage device. |
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15 | 3 | Tom Clegg | It should be possible to configure multiple storage devices at the same tier: for example, this allows blocks to be distributed more or less uniformly across several (equivalent) cloud storage buckets for performance reasons. |
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17 | h1. Implementation (proposal) |
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19 | Storage tier features (and implementation) are similar to replication-level features. |
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21 | h2. Configuration |
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23 | Each Keep volume has an integer parameter, "tier". Interpretation is site-specific, except that when M≤N, tier M can satisfy a requirement for tier N, i.e., smaller tier numbers are better. |
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25 | There is a site-wide default tier number which is used for collections that do not specify a desired tier. |
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27 | h2. Storing data at a non-default tier |
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29 | Tools that write data to Keep should allow the caller to specify a storage tier. The desired tier is sent to Keep services as a header (X-Keep-Desired-Tier) with each write request. Keep services return an error when the data cannot be written to the requested tier (or better). |
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31 | h2. Moving data between tiers |
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33 | Each collection has an integer field, "tier_desired". If tier_desired is not null, all blocks referenced by the collection should be stored at the given tier (or better). |
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35 | Keep-balance tracks the maximum allowed tier for each block, and moves blocks between tiers as needed. The strategy is similar to fixing rendezvous probe order: if a block is stored at the wrong tier, a new copy is made at the correct tier; then, in a subsequent balancing operation, the redundant copy is detected and deleted. _This increases the danger of data loss due to races between concurrent keep-balance processes. Keep-balance should have a reliable way to detect/avoid concurrent balancing operations._ |
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37 | h2. Reporting |
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39 | 4 | Tom Clegg | After each rebalance operation, keep-balance logs a summary of discrepancies between actual and desired allocation of blocks to storage tiers. Examples: |
40 | * N blocks (M bytes) are stored at tier 3 but are referenced by collections at tier 2. |
41 | * N blocks (M bytes) are stored at tier 1 but are not referenced by any collections at tier T<2. |