Bug #13685
opensupport "kind": "text" for workflow and cwl inputs mounts in a-c-r
Story points:
Release relationship:
arvados-cwl-runner (a-c-r) currently uses "kind":"json" for workflow document and cwl input document mounts. This works fine for small documents, but when documents are large it makes processing on the API server, the workbench server, and the browser very slow.
Add an a-c-r- option to generate these as "kind":"text" and add support for this in the system (workbench and crunch-run).
Updated by Joshua Randall over 6 years ago
Workbench changes we have made:
arvados-workbench-eglyx:/var/www/arvados-workbench/current# diff -u app/views/work_units/_component_detail.html.erb.old app/views/work_units/_component_detail.html.erb --- app/views/work_units/_component_detail.html.erb.old 2018-06-16 11:58:56.718105293 +0000 +++ app/views/work_units/_component_detail.html.erb 2018-06-16 18:53:02.927382881 +0000 @@ -192,8 +192,10 @@ <% mounts = current_obj.send(:mounts) if current_obj.respond_to?(:mounts) input_obj = mounts.andand[:"/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"].andand[:content] - mnt_inputs = JSON.pretty_generate(input_obj) if input_obj - %> + input_kind = mounts.andand[:"/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"].andand[:kind] + mnt_inputs = nil + mnt_inputs = JSON.pretty_generate(input_obj) if input_obj and input_kind == "json" + %> <% if mnt_inputs %> <tr> <td valign="top">
This works, but it would be better not to display them at all when above a certain size.